Adios Amigo

Really sorry to hear that. It happens too soon.

Bailey is getting an extra scratch behind the ears and cookie in honor of Oak tonight. We're all thinking about ya man.


Hurts like heck doesn't it. I know exactly how you feel. I wish the best for you and your family and hope the pain eases soon.

you and your family are in our thoughts today. Very sorry to hear of another Member here losing a fine friend too soon.
The Butler Family
Sorry for your loss.
Here's to good memories and single malt to ease the teats.
Seems like we are losing way to many of our best friends this winter.
Brian, I am so sorry for your loss. I to will toast with the rest tonight. Scotch is my favorite. They enrich our lives so much. Prayers for you and your family.
Gary March
Hi Brian,
I'm really sorry about your loss. We all know and share your heartache.


Brian F.