All you east coast guys, check in when you can!

Power is finally back on. Now I just need cable any everything wil be back to normal here. Hope everyone fared well.
Pretty much a non-event in eastern New Hampshire. Power flickered a few times, cable has been out since last night. We've had nor'easters that have caused a lot more problems.
We made out OK in central CT. lost power at our house for about 2 hrs.. Went for a drive around town and a lot of trees down and most of the town as of last night is without power. I will see how high the CT. river gets in a day or two.
Had some wind here (Griswold CT< SE CT) but not much rain, the stream in back of my house did not even hit the flood mark. 3 trees down in the back yard and of course the power is out and they say for 3-7 days since I'm out in the farm land section of town.
Not as bad as they predicted.
The Champlain valley of VT took a major beating......not so much from the wind but all the rain. Lots of bridges no longer exist in the state, and there are alot of roads closed for who knows how long. Places I have never seen with water on them were raging rivers and lots of evacuations in our city.

We are high and dry, but there is not alot of places we can go as Rt.7 south of town is closed and Rt. 4 east is washed "away" was a rather interesting day to say the least.

The end of our road at the CVPS power company lot (this is Rt. 7 major north/south road in the state) this was around noon


2 hours later


Rt. 4 (major east/west going to NH) going up the mountain towards the Killington ski area


Going to edit, and add this picture This is the same location as above......this morning!!! There is no way in or out of the town of Killington


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Hey Bruce, from all that i have seen before, the digs will be under water for a week or more--Mirror lake, by the Treadway towers, in dover was up to and over the paprllel road yesterday--Wyoming mill pond was just unreal!
Fine here in S. Jersey just a lot of branches and a few trees to clean up. My wife is over 8 months pregnant so we went out to Lancaster for Saturday night. Didn't want to get stuck in the house delivering a breech baby if I didn't have to. There is some crazy videos coming out of VT and NY though. I have an aunt and uncle who live up there and there town was hammered by the flooding. Luckily they are at the top of a hill and safe but they have friend who lost their houses and all their possessions. So be thankful if you made it through ok and keep everyone in your thoughts and prayers that are still dealing with the aftermath.
i'll try to get pictures up but one of those big trees came down. the trunk is laying right out on the ground and is at the base a good foot to 15 inches taller then i am which is 5-10. kinda sad but its going to be neat to cut it open and see how old it might be.

Chittenden County Vt checking in. I'm not as far north as Ed nor as far south as Hank. The back 2/3'rds of my property is under water again, which really isn't all that unusual. No downed trees here. My wife called from work to run through the list of the local roads and bridges that are closed.

I lucked out.

My sister's store on Tighlman's Island in Md and my parents in Md both made it through OK, even though the store lost power and will probably be out of power for a couple of days.

John Bourbon
I spoke too soon yesterday. Despite what didn't seem like much wind, we had our power flicker several times during the late afternoon. About 6 pm it flickered and stayed off, and it's still out. On my 5 mile drive to work this morning, I saw exactly 2 large limbs down--one of them across the lines 1/4 mile from our house.
I lost power at 8:30am Sunday....still out as of when I went to work this morning....enough warm water to get in a "navy shower". All 5 of my co-workers are without power. Have power and computers at work so 4 of us are here muddling thru the day.

Two not so bright guys decided to take a canoe ride down a swollen small stream in lifejackets, one will be having a funeral.....

We have a real mess now in our area. There are 2 lakes (Iona & Willow Grove) that the damns have failed and are putting a ton water into the Upper Maurice River. The Maurice River feeds Union Lake on the East Edge of Millvile. The Lower Maurice River divides Millvile in half and flows about 15 mile south to the Delaware Bay. The Union Lake damn was already open as much as possible due to storms before the hurricane. They have closed all roads across the upper river for about 15 miles and all roads in Millville, some of which are major roadways in our area. The only bridge open to the south has a causeway that is prone to flooding and all the water is heading that way. Traffic is backed up and is being diverted far out of the way.My wife will be driving WAY out ouf her way. Mom mother left work early,and made it home. She works near the shore and the southern bridge is her normal route. My father will be turning a 15 minute drive into 1-2 hours. It's a mess!
Cape Cod checking in.. Some damage along the south coast. Power has been out for most of the cape since about 7 am yesterday! Power company says not to expect power for 3 to 5 days. This is all from a TROPICAL STORM. Good thing it downgraded a bit.

Hauled my big boat and it is already back in the water and ready to go.. Going offshore tuna fishing on Wed!

Jim O'Brien
Didn't they just rebuild Willow Grove lake dam last year?

It's a private lake, but used some of our tax $ to rebuild the dam!

Iona was in need of replacement and can forsee that failing. That's alot of water coming into union( south Jesey biggest lake. )

So they can't open unions floodgates anymore?

I bet we can look forward to a whole season worth of wild rice going goodbye!
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Check in from Plum Island. We are doing great here. We have had worse storms in the winter than this. I talked to Bomber this am and VT got hit really hard. Hope you guys are ok up there. Hank
We have a real mess now in our area. There are 2 lakes (Iona & Willow Grove) that the damns have failed and are putting a ton water into the Upper Maurice River. The Maurice River feeds Union Lake on the East Edge of Millvile. The Lower Maurice River divides Millvile in half and flows about 15 mile south to the Delaware Bay. The Union Lake damn was already open as much as possible due to storms before the hurricane. They have closed all roads across the upper river for about 15 miles and all roads in Millville, some of which are major roadways in our area. The only bridge open to the south has a causeway that is prone to flooding and all the water is heading that way. Traffic is backed up and is being diverted far out of the way.My wife will be driving WAY out ouf her way. Mom mother left work early,and made it home. She works near the shore and the southern bridge is her normal route. My father will be turning a 15 minute drive into 1-2 hours. It's a mess!

After work traffic today in North Jersey (80 eastbound from Morris county area to Wayne) looks like it will be terrible... I might get home in time to have breakfast and return to work!

Have a safe drive guys

Wanted to add a little bit more to the carnage here in southern VT (first set of pictures on page 1) Our city is blocked in on 3 sides, only real direction to go is west, towards NY and that is on main roads. Almost all of the back roads to the west are flooded by the Otter Creek, a "normal" flood on the Otter in Rutland is 8' as of this morning it was 17.26' is unreal.

We can not get to NH to the east as all the major roads were wiped out, to the south a bridge was taken out on Rt. 7 and again most side roads are flooded by the Otter (it parallels rt.7) To the north in Brandon on Rt.7 the lazy river that runs thru town, was running down the main road, even lifting a building and placing it on the edge of the road. We have already lost at least 2 or 3 of our historic covered bridges, and I am sure we will loose a few more on Otter creek.

My wife is a district manager of a large company and runs 7 stores, she can get to exactly 1.....and that is her office right in our town, she has already lost the store in West Lebanon, NH.......anybody got a helicopter they want to let me borrow? hehehe

Route 7 south heading out of Rutland


Part of the Killington base lodge at the ski gone


Brandon VT, the Brandon House of pizza is the small white face building that is now on the edge of Rt. 7


One of the covered bridges on the Otter Creek in Florence, VT. The Otter is no where near cresting up there and I would be very suprised if this is still here in a few days.


Considering my self very lucky for this storm the only damage was a branch went through the roof of the boat shed , no boat damage THANK GOD !!! Tornado tore through the next street over and cause some real damage there !!!! Tides were real high as well all good now on the Rhody coast .

Dave M