All you east coast guys, check in when you can!

Lots of rain and flooding in the mountains.Over 12 inches in 10 hours.25 plus major landslides ,hikihg trails rutted 3 ft deep. Marcy dam bridge & gates gone,Duck hole dam breached. Fire house washed away in keene. Every watershed in Eastern Newyork and Vermont was or is at flood stage;Hudson,Mohawk,Susquehanna .
Good links to flood info here:

USGS gage stations in pink are having major floods; red significant floods; orange minor floods; yellow near flood; and green no flooding.

I spent some time last night looking at USGS gage data for rivers in Maine. (I can't help it, I'm a river geek.)

The flooding seemed to be highly localized. One small Maine river on the NH border had what looks like a 100 year flood; nearby rivers flooded, but within ranges they've been in recently.

Over in VT, it looks like Otter Creek and the Winooski really got socked.

The flood crest now seems to be moving downstream, with MASS and CT towns along the CT River looking to see moderate floods today.
A lot of trees down in the shoreline towns here, no power since 5 am Sunday. Luckily no damage to our house, one of my employees brother's house had a large oak come through the roof and land in bed with his teenage son. No serious injuries. Many beachfront summer cottages had water on the first floor but I haven't heard of anyone losing the building. Only one person I have spoken with has even seen a CL&P truck, the word from the local PD is no power at my house until Saturday. Time to put the boat back in for a little salvage adventure.
today is the first time seeing a cl&p truck, have been out of power since 6:45 sun morning, this storm was a great 22nd birthday present. the bad part is that we wont have power until sunday at the the earliest

early season goose starts thursday, so that will ease the pain
We have no power but lucky to have water and sewer. Running a welder for power at the house. Hauled 80 boats in three days. Will launch them in 4. Spent mon. Rebuilding my friends docks. He lost most of it. He should be selling fuel again by thurs. Lobster rolls by friday. We were very lucky here. Looks like my old home town on the deerfield river is getting hammered with the flooding. Stay safe in vt guys.
We are in good shape here, all considering. We are 20 miles inland and the storm center passed just a couple miles West of us. What would have been our worst winds were blocked by the large hill to the NE that we sit at the base of. 2 of 6 of Gus' 12' tall sunflowers are still standing, so the wind wasn't all that bad. Garden is in good shape, the campus garden, which is right on the coast, got pounded pretty good, but we haven't seen it yet. We canned tomatoes tonight and have a bunch of stuff to process.

Tons and tons of trees down in town and we don't have power and don't expect it any time soon. Our town is 82% out power, there are a bunch of towns that are 100% out and about 1/2 of the towns are 50% or more out in CT. We are on generator, noisy, but better than the alternative.
Good to hear you NE guys are making it on to report. I can tell you I saw a continous line of tree/power company/ restoration trucks headed north on US-81 on Sunday. Saw license plates from as far west as Illinois, and points south all headed to NE to help with the recovery. Don't know if FEMA dispatched them or they were speculating but they were headed your way.
The power companies all have mutual support agreements in place for situations likes this.
And unfortunately, get more than ample practice putting those agreements to work.
From what I have seen, they must have a heck of a good plan in place and know how to put it to work quickly.
According to the local NE Iowa newscasting, repair trucks were rolling eastward in force from Iowa. I wish for safety for all those involved in the clean up and repair.
We got our power back this evening - went out for a walk and came back to the neighbors with lights on. We were predicted to be back next Wednesday, I'll take 5 days over 9 for sure.

We have some tree work to do, a fence repair (related to the tree) and a whole lot of stuff that we picked up to spread around.
Like Bill said, we've had worse nor'easters. I lost a dead tree out back that I intended to cut when I was on vacation, but didn't get it done. It broke a the axle on one of my boat trailers. Other than that we lost power for 6 days. I've been working 14-15 hour days so Six drove Sandy just about nuts.