Steve and I drew permits for this years Sambar hunt at St. Vincent NWR. Sambar is an asian elk that can reach almost 600 lbs on the island....much bigger in their native habitat. Me being me, I am super excited already but majorly intimidated in some ways. I am a bird hunter. With an occasional pig taken when bird VERY occasional. I went deer hunting once and it was comical. At least to me. The hunt is primitive weapons only so muzzleloaders or archery. I do have a muzzleloader and I know how to load it and make it go bang but that is pretty much the extent of my knowledge. Sooooooooooo some help is asked of the brain trust here for helping to make this as successful a hunt as possible. I will be scouting. I can do that ....learn the terrain and all that. I will call and talk to the biologists/land manager of the island and pick their brains. But I know incredibly little about hunting deer. Any good primer books for hunting deer? What sorts of loads should I use for an elk sized critter? The muzzle loader is a CVA bobcat. I have had a couple of inline muzzleloaders recently come in in case work and they are neat neat neat neat guns. Love to have one but I dont know that I will get one since I do have a muzzleloader already. But what sorts of loads should I be looking at? Types of bullets? Thanks a lot in advance for any help that can be given.