Are you an NRA member? If not, now is the time!

"If the NRA were concerned about gun rights and the second amendment they would propose common sense legislation. No they worry about gun sales. We all need thirty round gun clips don't we. That is what the killer in Sandy Hook used. He fired 152 times in five minutes. If you want to read about that gory report it is out.

Wayne LaPierre can keep his blood money and rest in hell. "

The CDC says there are 32,885 auto deaths a year.10,228 are the result of drunk drivers.Of that number 211 are children ages 0 to 14. CDC also says,there are 443000 deaths a year attributable to smoking. Quite a bit of gore right there.How much blood money you suppose is there?If we're concerned about lives ,we NEED to ban alcohol, tobacco,and cars that are capable of speeds over 35 mph. Save a lot of lives. None of these things are constitutional rights,but they aren't going to be banned.
It wasn't 30 round magazines that caused the horrific act in Sandy Hook. A twisted,medicated,unstable young man
caused all that heartache and grief. Do a search on mass murderers and anti- depressants. Our government tells me that I NEED to help fund 24,000 abortions a week,send 250 million to that, bastion of democracy,Egypt,healthare and education to illegal! I'm an NRA life member.I haven't agreed with everything they done, but they have been on the front lines for a long time concerning gun rights. Read the "Federalist papers".You'll get a better understanding of 2nd amendment rights. The first part of the liberal argument is," I don't do it,don't care about it
,ban it". “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” C.S. Lewis

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No, I have been but not now or ever will be. I am a believer in the Second Amendment. I am not a believer in the NRA

The reasons, The NRA is not what they claim. They are a fear organization that is funded by the gun lobby. If you think that there leader cares about individual gun rights you are one of the sheep. I listened to him in CPAC he is all about fear. WHY because it sells guns. That is where his pay check is coming from. I ask you to think about this how many millions did the gun manufactures make from the killing of school children in Sandy Hook Elementary. The NRA drummed up fear with four or five days after that and the guns flew off the shelves.

If the NRA were concerned about gun rights and the second amendment
they would propose common sense legislation. No they worry about gun sales. We all need thirty round gun clips don't we. That is what the killer in Sandy Hook used. He fired 152 times in five minutes. If you want to read about that gory report it is out.

Wayne LaPierre can keep his blood money and rest in hell.

It takes stones to stand up in this crowd and say what Pete did...big ones. I happen to agree with most of what Pete says. Additionally, I'll throw this fuel on the fire: Did it ever occur to any of you that your beloved NRA likely funds some of the anti-gun movement? For every dollar they might spend to get some crackpot to stand on a soap box and scream "someone think of the children!" they would get that back 10 fold in increased membership. The bigger the crackpot and crazier his/her scheme the better...

Just my 2 cents, that I will keep in my pocket and not send to the NRA.

No, I have been but not now or ever will be. I am a believer in the Second Amendment. I am not a believer in the NRA

The reasons, The NRA is not what they claim. They are a fear organization that is funded by the gun lobby. If you think that there leader cares about individual gun rights you are one of the sheep. I listened to him in CPAC he is all about fear. WHY because it sells guns. That is where his pay check is coming from. I ask you to think about this how many millions did the gun manufactures make from the killing of school children in Sandy Hook Elementary. The NRA drummed up fear with four or five days after that and the guns flew off the shelves.

If the NRA were concerned about gun rights and the second amendment
they would propose common sense legislation. No they worry about gun sales. We all need thirty round gun clips don't we. That is what the killer in Sandy Hook used. He fired 152 times in five minutes. If you want to read about that gory report it is out.

Wayne LaPierre can keep his blood money and rest in hell.

It takes stones to stand up in this crowd and say what Pete did...big ones. I happen to agree with most of what Pete says. Additionally, I'll throw this fuel on the fire: Did it ever occur to any of you that your beloved NRA likely funds some of the anti-gun movement? For every dollar they might spend to get some crackpot to stand on a soap box and scream "someone think of the children!" they would get that back 10 fold in increased membership. The bigger the crackpot and crazier his/her scheme the better...

Just my 2 cents, that I will keep in my pocket and not send to the NRA.


"beloved" is a little over the top - don't ya think?

Want to see what sells guns? Click on the link.

I've been an NRA member since I got out of the service.It's never occurred to me that the NRA contributes
to anti-gun people,however, if you have some reasonable proof of this I'll look at it with an open mind. While I haven't always agreed with everything they've done or who spoke for them,I know we owe them for a lot of the freedoms we have now.
No, I have been but not now or ever will be. I am a believer in the Second Amendment. I am not a believer in the NRA

The reasons, The NRA is not what they claim. They are a fear organization that is funded by the gun lobby. If you think that there leader cares about individual gun rights you are one of the sheep. I listened to him in CPAC he is all about fear. WHY because it sells guns. That is where his pay check is coming from. I ask you to think about this how many millions did the gun manufactures make from the killing of school children in Sandy Hook Elementary. The NRA drummed up fear with four or five days after that and the guns flew off the shelves.

If the NRA were concerned about gun rights and the second amendment
they would propose common sense legislation. No they worry about gun sales. We all need thirty round gun clips don't we. That is what the killer in Sandy Hook used. He fired 152 times in five minutes. If you want to read about that gory report it is out.

Wayne LaPierre can keep his blood money and rest in hell.

It takes stones to stand up in this crowd and say what Pete did...big ones. I happen to agree with most of what Pete says. Additionally, I'll throw this fuel on the fire: Did it ever occur to any of you that your beloved NRA likely funds some of the anti-gun movement? For every dollar they might spend to get some crackpot to stand on a soap box and scream "someone think of the children!" they would get that back 10 fold in increased membership. The bigger the crackpot and crazier his/her scheme the better...

Just my 2 cents, that I will keep in my pocket and not send to the NRA.


Chuck- So you are saying the NRA does the same stuff the Obama administration does? Wouldn't sending guns to Mexican cartels to shoot and kill Americans to garner sympathy towards the anti gun movement be exactly what you say the NRA does? Just checking in.

While I don't agree with Pete, I do respect his right to voice his opinion. I would then like to ask Pete to look in the mirror to see what money doesn't influence. How do you think we are able to enjoy the sport we love and cherish - buckaroos. How do you think DU continues on - fear that we are going to loose all our habitat and with no habitat, no ducks. Same thing with most organizations - fear works.

Mark W
Well I said it before and I will say it again. This gun legislation will not pass. They will get a universal background check and that is it.

As far as on the state level, we are always going to have some states tough on guns and some not. I have lived in NJ all my life ands that is the way it is. I choose to live here. If I wanted to own a grenade launcher and 100 round drum magazines I would move to Texas.

It's like every other right the Constitution affords us, they will be challenged over time. They always have been and more often then not common sense prevails.
Hey... it's a free country, and you can choose to think what you want and do what you want. BUT, the NRA is not a organization based on fear, it's an organization based upon reality.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing, if we don't stand up for our rights, those who oppose us will eliminate them. Obama, Feinstein, Cuomo, Bloomberg... the list goes on. They all want to take away rights that we have today (or a few months ago in the case of NY) because a few psychos committed mass murders, the media sensationalizes any gun related issue and as a result the anti politicians use it to their advantage.

The NRA is trying to make people realize that the worst can and will happen, if we do nothing. You better fear what's coming, because once they take on right from you, what is going to stop them from taking another the next time a mass shooting happens? In 20 years every one of our shotguns will also have to be registered and all semi autos will be banned.... dont laugh, it can happen! I may not agree with everything the NRA stands for, but they are not willing to surrender any gun rights for one simple reason, once you give a little, the other side will keep taking things away from you.

The 2nd Amendment reads "the rights to bear arms shall not be infringed" which seems pretty clear to me. Anytime that right is limited, it is infringed. If you dont support the NRA, who do you support? Or better yet, who supports you? The answer is simple.... nobody.
No, I have been but not now or ever will be. I am a believer in the Second Amendment. I am not a believer in the NRA

The reasons, The NRA is not what they claim. They are a fear organization that is funded by the gun lobby. If you think that there leader cares about individual gun rights you are one of the sheep. I listened to him in CPAC he is all about fear. WHY because it sells guns. That is where his pay check is coming from. I ask you to think about this how many millions did the gun manufactures make from the killing of school children in Sandy Hook Elementary. The NRA drummed up fear with four or five days after that and the guns flew off the shelves.

If the NRA were concerned about gun rights and the second amendment
they would propose common sense legislation. No they worry about gun sales. We all need thirty round gun clips don't we. That is what the killer in Sandy Hook used. He fired 152 times in five minutes. If you want to read about that gory report it is out.

Wayne LaPierre can keep his blood money and rest in hell.

Pete....For many years like you I felt the same way. I heard the fear mongering from the NRA as well as the Clinton administration when they passed the 2004 law. Now were hearing it again from both sides. I'll tell you I was disappointed when I watched the president parade those children into chambers when he addressed the nation and started the fear mongering about how there's to many guns on the streets and that we are not protecting our children when his children are protected by men who carry firearms. The same firearms he and his administration is telling us we private citizens should NOT have access to. I was disappointed when Mr. LaPierre used the presidents children is his rebuttal to the address when he asked if ours weren't just as important. I listened to Mr. LaPierre the other day as he spoke at CPAC. I found I didn't agree with every statement he made. But when it comes to selling firearms today it is no different than in 2004. I don't believe the NRA or Obama can be given credit for the surge in gun and ammo sales. The situation is selling the guns and ammo like no time in modern history. People I feel are finaly fed up with someone telling them they can't smoke a cigarette outside of their home or car, or the law says you have to wear a seat belt, or it's illegal to have a band in a bar playing music over a certain decibel range (that's my personal beef) or you can't possibly be taking care of your family if you give them a big gulp. As a little guy with no voice on my own I joined the NRA because a chorus is much louder than a soloist.
All you guys that think we need more gun control need to turn in your firearms. If you believe in the 2nd amendment, you would never say that. You don't care as they don't want your DUCK GUN! Just wait till they go after it. There is all kinds of little tricks written into the bill that they want.

They have a little provision in there that will ban even your shotguns. It is called a gripping device. 99% of the shotguns out there have a stock that is called in the USA a pistol grip stock. The only legal ones will be they European style with the straight stock. So keep on preaching about common sense gun control. I can't wait if it happens to all of you guys that will have to turn in your shotguns. Then you will understand!
Political parties, political lobbies and the mainstream media ALL get rich off of fear...take away the fear, and the money dries up.

To equate that someone who doesn't believe in the NRA must be anti-gun is as ludicrous as to say someone who doesn't believe in Santa Claus cannot celebrate Christmas. I happen to think the NRA has not done anything more than make the average person who happens to own a firearm look like a gun-toting psycho to the non-owners as well as the rest of the world.

Political parties, political lobbies and the mainstream media ALL get rich off of fear...take away the fear, and the money dries up.

To equate that someone who doesn't believe in the NRA must be anti-gun is as ludicrous as to say someone who doesn't believe in Santa Claus cannot celebrate Christmas. I happen to think the NRA has not done anything more than make the average person who happens to own a firearm look like a gun-toting psycho to the non-owners as well as the rest of the world.



For the good of this topic and our rights I feel you should know more on my stand. Like you and others I have not been a supporter of the NRA in the past. I was brought up in a household that was Pro-NRA but my view was similar as yours. I thought they painted a picture of gun owners to be crazy gun toting psychos that were just way to over the top for me. I also felt they they wanted my money to promote "their cause" which at the time was not " my cause".
As it turns out, now it is also my cause at some level.

Prior to this year I was never a member of the NRA. I felt compelled to join now because as I see it there is no other voice loud enough to be heard. I still do not agree with everything NRA but I disagree more with the elected officials that I and others voted into office. They are now wipping there feet on the constitution and have all but flushed the second ammendment down the toilet in NY.
They have to by stopped!

As far as the NY SAFE Act goes, it is plain and simply a total disregusrd for our second ammendment rights. In the past I would have said they would and could never get away with doing something like that. Well guess what. They did it and now it the law!

Being a law abiding citizen I will comply. Not because I want to but because I have to but I will make damned sure they hear me kicking and screaming in any way lawfully possible.

We may have lost the fight in NY because it was passed in the middle of the night with no public hearings but for the rest of you guys living in free states, watch your 6. They are coming for you and you best do everything you can to fight for your rights even if it means joining the NRA.

I can respect anyone for their decission but at least do something. Write letters or make phone calls. Don't sit back thinking everything will work out because it will not.

So if this was not enough, stay tuned for the battle:

"There is considerable cause for alarm regarding the UN’s renewed efforts to forge an Arms Trade Treaty that could trample the constitutional rights of Americans, and could seriously compromise our national security and the security of our allies, whom we will be less able to arm and less quick to defend due to the restrictions placed on us by the ATT" - Congressman Mike Kelly

Thanks for taking the time to share additional insight on your new found support. For me, it is deeper in my ideals where in I hate the political party system, and hate the lobbies even more. The only thing one can ever be sure of in politics is never take anything at face value.

Life member only recently. Until a few weeks ago I was not an NRA member. I am 51 years old and have borne arms all my life.

I take find interest in this post....

"[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]If the NRA were concerned about gun rights and the second amendment they would propose common sense legislation"

Common sense legislation has been proposed, has been passed and is now the law of the land. It is called the second amendment. No other legislation is necessary under our constitution.

Obama and the liberal democrats are out to destroy this nation. Make no mistake. They are out to take away all our freedoms, and to make our country a second rate socialist nation. We must fight them at every opportunity. This in an opportunity. Every decent American should take it.


Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you! -- Pericles

For those that hate our system, think about Pericles statement. The simple fact is .. The NRA does have political power and clout.

I have always considered myself to be a Jeffersonian Republican... perhaps it would be more apt to say I am a Machiavellian Libertarian. The point is that no matter if you like or dislike our system.... If you value the Constitution of the United States and the 2nd Amendment... you must recognize that the NRA is the most powerful protector of those rights. The slippery slope is what the grabbers are after... take a little.. then a little more.. then, eventually we will have them all.. .look at the rest of the world.

Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither. He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security. - Benjamin Franklin

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I feel betrayed by every law maker that has voted for this new Safe act in NY. Every politition swore to uphold the Constitution and they failed to do just that. They are the criminals and they all should be impeached! Democrat or Republican it does not matter. They violated evey single persons rights in this state and country.
My hart goes out to the families that have lost loved ones due to gun violance but taking guns away from law abiding citizens is not the answer. Registering legal guns will do nothing to curb violence. They can't enforce the laws that are on the books now and criminals will now be able to out gun law abiding homeowners. That is just not right.

In the days following SS Sandy I was at work trying to protect our property from theives. LEO's were no where to be found because they were to busy on other assignments. There was no phone service, you were on your own! There was a small group of thugs that were looting our property. I asked them in a calm manner to leave. One of the guys comes at me, looks aroundand says" There's three of us and one of you. We will leave when were done and have what we want." They then proceded to come at me. I drew my gun and they changed their tune. Saying they didn't want any trouble. Yea, they didn't want trouble when they were looking down the qwrong end of a gun. They left faster then they arrived. Now that same gun that protected me in November is now illegal because of this new law.

I hope we never have to live through something like that again. I have friends that have lost everything and still have no place to live. The communities had to fend for them selves. What would happen if something like this happened on a national level. You have to protect your self, the government will not be there for you and , the way things are going you may very well end up protecting your self from the government.

This was a photo I took of my friend block. It is no joke. Friends and neighbors were on patrol protecting the community. After several groups started looting the shooting began. You didn't here about that on the news or in the papers.

This is why I have a new found appreciation for the NRA. I should have listened to my father years ago instead of believing in some of our elected officials. They are using the Bill of Rights as a door mat.
Chuck, you havent lost any rights YET, maybe that is why you do not support the NRA. I am not sure if you know about our situation here in NY, but here is a brief description.
Listen up guys... like John said, here in NY the 2nd Amendment has been trampled on by our Governor Cuomo who forced lawmakers to vote on the NY SAFE Act in the middle of the night with less than 20 minutes to review the law. Rumor has it he used Hurricane Sandy releif funds as a bargaining chip too... no vote on SAFE, no relief funds! Since when did it make any sense to pass a law without reviewing it or allowing for public comment? Or to blackmail lawmakers into a decision? Only when there is an agenda, and that's to take away rights!

Chuck, the NRA and the NY State Pistol and Rifle Association are now fighting the NY SAFE act and they are the only groups representing our rights. You may not agree with them 100%, but I imagine that if you were here in NY you might agree with the other side closer to 0%. No group out there is going to represent your views exactly as you feel, but you better align yourself with the one closest to your beliefs.... or you will lose your rights as we have here in NY.
All guns are assault weapons if you use them for that purpose.
Our constitution was gained with the use of an assault rifle and the assault rifle should stay to uphold it by the people. In a sword fight it is always better to have one with a little more length. Unless there is a better way to protect the 2nd I will be a NRA member. If what I have seen on the Internet is true our national parks are being controlled by a party like the united nations. Join the NRA John
Several years ago I had posted on this forum that I didn't believe in the NRA and that "they" are coming for my guns. I asked "who are they?"

I got beat hard by that comment back then but I stood by my convictions, now i have to eat crow.

I joined the NRA as a life member, and the New York Rifle and pistol. Not because I own rifles and pistols but I now know who "they" are and plan to support any lobby or politician who will defend my second amendment right.

My guts are so torn by Gov. Coumo that I want to sell all my property in New York and move to a non-nanny state where people are free. This law is being appealed and once the Supreme Court rules on it decision, I will decide on staying or leaving the nanny state of New York.

It is not fear that made me decide on joining these organization, it was anger.