Armstrong boat

Don Shearer

Active member

Last year someone asked that I post some pics of my boat, an Arhtur Armstong Broadbill. I aplogize to whoever asked for the pics, but I guess it is better late than never.

This first picture just shows the boat floating.

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The second picture is just an excuse to show my crew.

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The third picture shows how stable the boat is even with my fat a$$ standing on the gunnel.

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The last is just a shot showing it sitting on the trailer.

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When I bought the boat it had an 18hp Tohatsu four stroke which I felt was to much weight for the boat. I sold that motor. It is really underpowered with the 7 1/2 I am using at the moment. I would like to find a good 15hp two stroke to power it. I am working on how best to hide the boat. I imagine that will be a year long process as I try a number of differnt approaches.

My best,

Don Shearer

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Just got one myself, cant wait to use it.
I have a 9.9 merc 2 stroke on mine, should push it pretty well!

I've got a Armstrong Broadbill w/a 15 horse 2 stroke that I use on big water(Lake Erie). It's got all the power you'll need and gets on plane quickly.
The boat looks good Don. How is your back doing? Are you and Aspen going to be ready for the big quail opener?
Doh! The boat is a Broadbill. What can I say I was tired when I typed Wigeon. I guess I had better lay off the crack pipe.

My best,


The back feels fine and that worries my doctor. He is afraid/sure I will do something stupid before it heals all the way. He is more than likely right.

I am not yet sure about the opener, but I am hoping to be there for Sunday. Are you available to hunt?

My best,

Nice looking at the pix of your boat. I live in Walla Walla and may soon be moving to the Tri cities. Is there any chance I could meet up with you for a look at your broadbill?

Sure! But I hope you realize that Pullman is not just next door. Send me an email and we can discuss. I have some questions I would like to ask you about the Walla Walla -Waitsburg area.

My best,


If you are planning on hunting over this way I would definitely like to hunt with you. I'll give you a call next week to see what your plans are.
there will be TWO of the new MLB BBSB's out here the first of October.....the Armstrongs are nice boats but not really sutied for rough water, (though they are a raped ape under power on a calm day). The MLBBSB will look more like a traditional Barnegat, but will have a hull design closer to the Armstrongs so that it will be "speedier" than the Armstrongs but will handle "rough" water better due to its deeper design and the fact that it does have some rocker.....

Mark is going to offer a "special" price on these two so you might want to get on the list because there are already at least (3) people that have expressed interest in them and they won't last long....he's also offering a special price on a NEW Shorelander trailer to go with the unit if the buyer needs a trailer to go with the boat.....

Course you might want to put "dibs" on Don's boat as he might be looking to "trade up" once he see's these boats....

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Okay Steve,
Where and when on the boats? You do realize of course that I have a monster whitetail penned up in a loval creek bottom, just waiting on next Sat. and me with my .54 to arrive. Still, may be able to take a look at those two boats.

Don, pm on the way.

Are you trying to get me divorced? I think I am going to be using the Armstrong for awhile, but I sure would like to see those MLB boats. You need to give me a call about your trip. Are you around next weekend?

My best,

get the new boat, touting the safety factor to not only you but also to Dorf---HELL Mike and I BOTH will be mad at you if that baby hydroplane gets Dorf into trouble out on the Snake---and then sell the existing boat to Kevin, (he'll never use it anyway---his wife won't let him hunt, going so far as to drag him to Hawaii during Decmber and then move in January--- so you don't have to worry about pawning an unsafe boat off on a fellow poster--- he just wants one so he can say he has a boat so he can "pretend" he's a duck hunter).....

Looks like the (2) available boats will be arriving at Fred Slyfield's during the time I'm in Manitoba so Fred will get the first look, and test ride, at them....two other people have expressed an intrest in them and it will be a really good deal, price wise, for the two people that end up with'll see them at some point this year cause I'm pretty certain I know the guys that will end up with them.....

I'll be around tomorrow afternoon and Sunday but not next weekend....I leave Saturday for Manitoba....

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Kevin isn't the only pretend duck hunter. Montana is now a 50/50 proposition to me. I just found out my presence may be required in P-town next Friday night which would really make next weekend a no go. Dorf is getting ready to file seperation papers. I wasn't kidding when I told you that you and Gregg might as well stay at my empty place and hunt all my spots. I am sticking to the theory if I buck up and do what I am supposed to this year I will be rewarded next year.


Couple of questions about your Broadbill...Did you build it yourself? What type of a blind do you use on it? and how wet is it when its gets messy on the water?

The reason I ask is that I have a set of Broadbill plans complete with templates and I am considering cutting it all this winter and building it in the spring. I have a 2 stroke 9.9 I will use on it.

I hunt various size lakes, rivers and when the inland freezes up I head to the salt water and hunt the marshes.

Hey Brad, My boat is a North Carolina factory boat(all fiberglass). I hunt in Presque Isle Bay and Lake Erie most of the time, I don't use a blind but grass up the spray curtain along shore or lay out in it without the grass. The 9.9 will get you whwre you are going but a 15 is twice as fast!! I have played in some really rough water in the summer and under power it is amazing what it can do. The only close call I've ever had was In a severe wind change and I tried to pick up decoys. I was fighting a longline and the boat swung around,took a large wave over the rear quarter and I had 4'' of water inside. The 15HP handled it quite well but I don't know if the 9.9 would.
I'm sure there are better boats around but this one has worked for me.
In 2000 I built a Broadbill and have had many adventures in it. You guys are making me feel suicidal, I run a 25 Evinrude on her and for VERY SHORT time had a 35 on it. Another story for another day. The 25 works like a charm and before I put a lower unit guard on her she would show 28 on the GPS. WAHOOOOOO. Stable and not terribly wet. The only down side to the Armstrong is that it never drains clean due to the frames inside. I have a pretty good blind built and will dig up pics soon and add to this thread. In short I love the boat even with all her defects. I have pic in the boats specs of this page. If you want to look at them just go to the spec page and AA broadbill. Good luck and feel free to ask anything about the boat. Watch for blind pics, I have to resize them and have some trouble getting useable pics posted.
Here is a photo of Tom Lindheimers Broadbill, replete with 40 HP Yamaha Jet Drive. I was an Armstrong Dealer in the mid-80s when Tom still owned the company. The photo is from the Cleveland Sport, Travel and Outdoor Show when we participated in the main display with DU many years ago.


Hi Tom

Couple of questions for you... I am wondering how long it took you to build the Broadbill and the cost at the end of the day?

Did you cut everything out then assemble or do one frame at a time?

Looking at the plans and the way that the hull goes together did you have any issues with the butt type of joints?

Did you modify the boat in any way to store oars, push pole, shotguns under the decking?

Lastly what would you do different if you were to build it again? Could anything be done to help the vessel drain better?
