August "Whats on your workbench?"


Actually, I managed to get quite a lot done considering my situation. My bandsaw and drill press reside in my dad's basement 20 miles away, which complicates things. Got over there and hollowed out four birds, and cut out 7 or 8 keels from my cedar scraps and drilled line holes. Will probably free hand the mounting holes and use strap weight on the keel bottoms. Discovered the motor bearings are now shot in my Rigid Shop Vac.....will run it until it fries I guess.

I added a new tool too, a Rikon 4" tabletop bench sander. Worked great to sand the keels and smooth the decoy bottoms, although a 6" would be better for the latter. $100 well spent at Woodcraft. Why are all power tools made in China these days....irks me.

Got home and cleaned up the inside of the bird I have to get done for the CWA event, and got it epoxied together. Sand, eyes, paint in two weeks.....gonna be close.

I have 6 repair/repaints, all cedar that I'm working on. All patched, just have to sand and paint, and another 6 or 7 semi-new (started pre-divorce about 6 years ago) in various stages of paint, basically an undercoat.
At least here is what is not on my workbench anymore, been trying to clean the pit....

Next door neighbor re roofed and had some cut offs for throw away - my kind of shelving!

Canvasback Drake hollow basswood.
Bob M

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got them done the combo birds are in the middle. let them cure a bit glaze and see how they float!!!!!


Nice work by all. Bob nice can, thanks for the fish pin, I love the GW teal. when you make a striper let me know.

Finished assembling some Goldeneye frames:


Got out a bucket full of heads I've been putting off:


Roughed out a Can, a Mallard, and 5 GE Drakes:


Also, still puttering around with paint on HuntinDave's hen, and put the finishing touches on the Special Koots.

Wow lots of nice work this month.

Only a couple fish paintings for me again this month, I really need to carve something again soon.

Between fishing last week I did this little largemouth. I might go back and do a little fin reworking on it after I saw it scanned.


Since it doesn't seem like I've done enough bluegills yet this summer I did another. :)


tim, the fish are awesome!!

Just finished up this spec. eider. Local white pine, oils, and an Ipe keel. I carved the eye in, in real life the eye on these things is spectacular, looks huge and out of place, so I went a little exaggerated on mine.



Tim just to let you know my Father who shows no emotion must have liked the fish you painted for him. He went down to the local framer that day and had it matted and framed to hang on his side of the bedroom. It was the perfect gift, Thanks.
Bil thank you.
I like seeing some carved eyes. Just don't go shooting too many of the Spectacled Eiders that decoy to that. :)

It's great to hear your father liked it.

Looks like you've been busy this month finishing a lot of decoys. You really hit that soft look that wigeons have on their breasts. Cool stuff.
