August workbench...

Continued thanks is the wood duck I posted last month, I think I can finish up paint tonight.

Steve I always loved the look of the pointy scaps on Jim Schmiedlins decoys and admittedly stole it!
I'm a little reluctant to post these up, cause there is soooo much great talent here. But I'm eager to learn and get better, so feel free to point out ways to make them better.
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Phil - Great birds! They'll hunt and, lure some spoonies within gunshot. What else do they need to do? Keep up the good work Brother! Pat
Thanks Chris and Pat, Yes I am enjoying the summer with the family and doing better. I'm looking forward to the season.
Phil - If one does, that decoy will stay in my rig for a long time.

Thank you for the kind words... Can't wait to see it on the water...

Exactly 29 days until our early teal season... I can't wait... pg
Roy, I'm still trying to figure out your style. Your birdsto me are Del. rivers on steriodds. I like them alot

It been a long time since I could post on this thread. With a new house and a new baby boy in the past 10 months, I suppose I have an excuse :)

I just wrapped up rehabbing a 6 pack of LL Bean Coastal Magnum black ducks. 4 drakes (1 low head) and 2 hens (1 low head). Thanks Pat and Tim for posting the secret wash technique, I tweaked it a little and used it on the heads. It really toned down the acrylic paint. Here's a couple samples;


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Sixteen years of carving decoys and I finally hacked out some wood ducks. I have a laundry list of things to change (improve) on the next several.

Into paint they finally go. The black duck rig and the other half of my canvasback rig. Things sure slowed down on decoys when I started working on other projects.

