Barnegat plans on Mylar


Active member
This made my day! One of my closest colleague and friend had to clear out his Dad?s cottage this past year. His dad owned a blueprint shop, and in his collection at the cottage was a copy of the plans to make a BBSB on a Mylar base. I mentioned to my friend, that was a cool find. He?s into duck boats and carving decoys (I actually got him into it a long time ago) and I explained to him how cool that was. He was about to throw it out!

Well he gave it to me, and even if I?m slowly giving up duck hunting, this is going to be framed and placed in my work shop.

I need to wipe it down with soapy water to get some bugger tape off, but it looks cool. Hope you guys ( and gals) can see the photo well.

View attachment 44A6052C-2651-486E-8DCE-EF6F936DEE93.jpeg
It?s art!

plus when the power is out, those digital copies are useless!

Hope you are doing well Dave, good to see you online.
It is about 18 inches by 26 inches. It is a nice plate.

I just measured it..
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Jack, I think that is a copy of the original plan from 1836 By Hazelton Seaman. I know where there is a boat built from that plan. Actually it will be at the Decoy Show on Long Island on March 2nd. It is been totally restore and looks like a brand new boat. The guy did an unbelievable job on it.
Good morning, Jack~

Congratulations! I have the very same print framed and welcoming guests on the wall in our mud room. I never tire of studying it. 'tis truly art!

I got mine from the Smithsonian - they sell them for a very reasonable price. Their catalog is at:

This plan is Figure 79 in Howard Chappelle's American Small Sailing Craft - one of my favorite books.

I hope to see you at the March 2 Show. I'll have my Dad's GSB Ice Scooter there. I just found and scanned this old slide from ~1981. I have fully restored her since then:

View attachment Scooter 1981 sm.JPG

All the best,


Good morning, Phil~

The Hazelton Seaman replica - is that coming down from Rhode Island?

Hope to see you at the Show!


Hey Steve,
Thanks. I didn?t know the Smithsonian did a Mylar copy, that?s good to know. I remember talking with you ar the show a few years back when you were working on the ice scoter. I have one too, but haven?t used it in years. Maybe I?ll see you again this year?
Steve, Yes, David is bringing that boat along with the new Estuary II. The old boat will be inside I guess next to you. I will be there with the auction company again.

The Smithsonian prints I referenced are not on Mylar - just plain paper as far as I can tell. And, they scrawled the "Figure 79 ASSC" note on the lower corner - which yours does not have. I wish I had cleaned mine up before I mounted mine.

I had my print mounted on foamcore - then I sprayed it with Krylon clear lacquer to protect its surface and made a Pine frame for it.

At the March 2 Show, I'll be pretty much chained to the Brant and Ted Sanford displays all day.

See you soon,


Good morning, Kris~

We used to get good ice on Great South Bay between Christmas and New Years. It is much less predictable of late. We had no good "scooter ice" during the season this year, but great stuff last year.

I am hoping to film her in action next year - to document the history.

All the best,


That must have been where my friends dad got the paper copy. It looks exactly the same. His dad owned a printing shop, so he must have made the Mylar copy.

I took the Mylar and made a PDF file, just so I can make a copy or two in the near future. See you at the show.