Yesterday around lunch some hacker dropped an email bomb on me. The way these things work is they have a bot that uses your email address and signs you up at thousands of websites all over the world. Your inbox then starts receiving validations/confirmations from these websites. Spam filters are about useless as these emails are legit under ordinary circumstances. To make matters worse these websites will email you for years to come as you are now on their distribution list. My inbox was seeing messages arriving every few seconds all day until I pulled the plug.
Since yesterday I've been logging into every account I can think of to change my email, e.g., financial institutions, appleid, IG, FB, online vendors, auction houses, forums, etc. etc. I wish I had kept a record of every account I have out there. Now I'm having to try and remember and dig them up. It is a MAJOR PAIN IN THE ASS complicated by the fact I don't remember every password and resetting a password when you have a different email is usually a no-go.
To be prepared I highly recommend you make a list of every online account you have and include the web address, account name, and password. Use two factor authentication whenever possible. File it in a safe place. If you do get hit with an email bomb you can disable the hacked email address and get a new one and go through your list to update all your accounts.
In short be prepared for an email Armageddon. It's not fun and best to be prepared to update your accounts rather than struggle through an unpleasant process brought on by a malicious person who knows they will never ever be caught because law enforcement is ill equipped to deal with cybercrime.
p.s. If you use my email it is no longer. PM me for my new email.
Since yesterday I've been logging into every account I can think of to change my email, e.g., financial institutions, appleid, IG, FB, online vendors, auction houses, forums, etc. etc. I wish I had kept a record of every account I have out there. Now I'm having to try and remember and dig them up. It is a MAJOR PAIN IN THE ASS complicated by the fact I don't remember every password and resetting a password when you have a different email is usually a no-go.
To be prepared I highly recommend you make a list of every online account you have and include the web address, account name, and password. Use two factor authentication whenever possible. File it in a safe place. If you do get hit with an email bomb you can disable the hacked email address and get a new one and go through your list to update all your accounts.
In short be prepared for an email Armageddon. It's not fun and best to be prepared to update your accounts rather than struggle through an unpleasant process brought on by a malicious person who knows they will never ever be caught because law enforcement is ill equipped to deal with cybercrime.
p.s. If you use my email it is no longer. PM me for my new email.
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