Best Primative Weapon for Deer?(NDR)

Ed Askew

Well-known member
I've never been very interested in hunting deer, but now I live out in the country and have a real deer problem. I guess it's because my neighbors are feeding the deer, but these deer are cocky. I've had them snort at me and bluff a charge. I'll be working in my barn with power tools, and have them walk out and look up into the barn to see what all the noise is. The worst thing is they eat all my plants. So, I've got to take them out, and looking at the different deer seasons, the best time is the "primitive weapon season". Most of the rest of it is duck season. I don't own a rifle, so I'll have to get one, I figured I'd just get a "primitive weapon", and just use that one gun for the whole season, primitive weapon and regular gun season. I don't think I'd have a shot that's much over 75 yrds as my land is all trees with few open areas. Here's the state's definition of a "primitive weapon". My question is that given this definition, and given the fact that no shots over 75 yrds will be taken, what is the best gun for the least amount of money?

"Primitive firearms" for the purpose of hunting deer, are defined as single or double barreled muzzle-loading rifles of at least .38 caliber; single shot, breech loading, cartridge rifles (.38 caliber or larger) of a kind and type manufactured prior to 1900, and replicas, reproductions or reintroductions of those type rifles; and single or double-barreled muzzle-loading shotguns with single ball or slug. All muzzle-loading Primitive Firearms must use black powder or a black powder substitute with either percussion caps or #209 shotgun primers or flintlock ignition. Breech loading single shot rifles must have exposed hammers and use metallic cartridges. Cartridges may be loaded either with black powder or modern smokeless powder. Scopes of any magnification are allowed on primitive weapons. Sidearms are not allowed during primitive weapon season.


With the restriction of:
"of a kind and type manufactured prior to 1900, and replicas, reproductions or reintroductions of those type rifles; and single or double-barreled muzzle-loading shotguns with single ball or slug."

You are more limited than around here. I assume this means no in-line muzzle loaders? That would be the cheapest way to go if you could use them - a CVA inline can be had for $99 new.

Thompson Center has some nice reproduction hunters - the renegade, new englander or the hawken rifles. They might be pricey...

If you wanted to pay a little more, you might be legal with gun like the Thompson Contender with barrels you can interchange - a rifle barrel for rifle season and a muzzleloader barrel for primitive season.

I'd check with your local CO/enforcement person about the practical choice you have.


Here is a decent article about the basics:

From that description it looks like you could use a sharps rifle. The benefits over a muzzleloader is that you could use smokeless powder, which would mean that you wouldn't have to clean after every shot and woudl be much simlpler all around.

Reading it closer, you're allowed in-lines. I'd definitely get one of those. Like Charlie said, you can pick a good one up for under $200. And if you're only shooting 100 yards, an in-line will definitely meet your needs. I know in parts of PA, MD, and OH where rifles are banned, most guys use in-lines exclusively because they're more accurate and reach further than a shotgun slug.

Take care,
good exuse too own a fine early double barrell muzzle loading shotgun with buck-shot and olr a slug check dixie gun works they also make a side by side that is rifle/ shot gun. But me ive always wanted a front stuffing shot gun. JUst my 02
Doesn't say you can't use says you CAN use a 209 primer. If you want something that will kill deer and don't want to get into the "history" of it..Charlies 99 dollar inline sure sounds like a varmint gun for deer. I've used percussion cap 50 cals and they drop deer like a sack of spuds. My T/C Encore will dump one at 200 yards.

The restriction you quote only applies to "breech loading gun using cartridges. Muzzle loading guns are not under that particular restriction.
This may ruffle some feather but here goes:
Do you want a true primitive weapon experience?
If so, go with a flintlock with open sights & a patched round ball (1:66 twist is best). This is what PA used to require (and may still do) for muzzleloader season and is about as primitive as you can get and still use a gun. It will be fine out to 75 yards, my uncle has killed deer with his out to 125 but that is a stretch. Just remember to keep your powder dry!

The next step up is a Hawken replica percussion gun with open sights. Most are 1:48 twist, so a buffalo ballet or maxie ball is better. Loaded right, it is a great 100 yard gun. And they will flat out knock a deer off his feet.

I personally find it puzzling why inline muzzleloaders with scopes are allowed in "primitive weapons" seasons. Not too "primitive" and don't see how they are any more challenging than a regular rifle. A breach loading single shot rifle seems a bit of a stretch too.
Just my 2 cents (which aint worth much due to inflation).
This may ruffle some feather but here goes:
Do you want a true primitive weapon experience?
If so, go with a flintlock with open sights & a patched round ball (1:66 twist is best). This is what PA used to require (and may still do) for muzzleloader season and is about as primitive as you can get and still use a gun. It will be fine out to 75 yards, my uncle has killed deer with his out to 125 but that is a stretch. Just remember to keep your powder dry!

The next step up is a Hawken replica percussion gun with open sights. Most are 1:48 twist, so a buffalo ballet or maxie ball is better. Loaded right, it is a great 100 yard gun. And they will flat out knock a deer off his feet.

I personally find it puzzling why inline muzzleloaders with scopes are allowed in "primitive weapons" seasons. Not too "primitive" and don't see how they are any more challenging than a regular rifle. A breach loading single shot rifle seems a bit of a stretch too.
Just my 2 cents (which aint worth much due to inflation).


I agree, but Ed is just asking what would be the easiest/cheapest thing to wack some backyard pests.

I agree 100% Carl. Here in PA there's a HUGE controversy because we're now allowed to use inlines for the 3 day "doe only muzzleloader" season in October. In the traditional "primitive" season in January though, it's still flintlock only.

If it were me, I'd definitely go with the flintlock... but his question is what's a good gun that he can use in regular firearm season and still qualify for their "primitive" season.

Me personally.... this year I'm switching to a flintlock even for regular "rifle" season. Deer hunting just isn't fun anymore for me, and I'm looking for something to put that "rush" back into it. From the time I was 12 til about the time I was 18 I probably missed 5-6 deer because of "buck fever". Since then I've probably killed 10 bucks including 3 wallhangers and it's gotten pretty routine. Nobody believes me, but I'd MUCH rather get that buck fever again and miss deer for the rest of my life than kill bucks and have it be routine.

After last season my brother and I both decided to switch to SOMETHING to spice it up again. There's too many other rifle hunters in the woods in PA for a bow (ever track a buck you made a good hit on only to find a gutpile?) so we're either going to pistols or muzzleloaders.

I was actually going to get 10 gauge pumpkin balls for my 10 ga. muzzleloader, but after talking to Dave and some guys on this site decided that wouldn't be the safest or easiest thing to do. So now I'm deciding what to do instead. I won an in-line at a DU banquet this year, but still might cash in my Cabela's points for a flintlock instead.

This isn't at all what I was hoping for when I read the title, I was hoping to share a story involving a canoe paddle...
I know this is off the path a little but do you have a dog? If the deer come up and you have a dog that's bold. A trick I learned from my gramps is he used to own a barber shop and would take the hair he got up and spread it in his garden to keep the deer out. They were killing my garden until I tried it. Maybe it'll work for your landscape.

It must be the Encore I'm thinking of not the Contender. Used to be able to get a muzzle loader barrel for one of them.

Nice setups. A+ for versatility.


I think this is about as cheap as it's gonna get:

That kit, a box of pyrodex pellets and some 209 primers and you're in deer eradication mode.

On the other hand, I read about a rash of cheap CVA guns and injuries...

You can pick up a very nice Thompson Center inline for a few hundred dollars, and have peace of mind.

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Point taken.
If simply wanting to wack some pesky deer from the back yard, go get a relatively cheap inline, that takes pyrodex pellets with some sabots & fire away.
I bet after you wack two or three, they will wise up pretty quickly!
The way I read the "Primitive weapon restrictions",A single shot replica cartridge of 38 cal or larger Like thoes produced prior to 1990,would be the way to go.Surley they are made by someone,cheaper than some of the repo Sharps.
You're right.... just get a trusty Acme 1 ton anvil.... then make a pile of deer feed, with a sign pointing to it that says "deer feed", then put the anvil up on a cliff.....
beep beep...
Got another Idea.................GAMBO makes a air rifle that shoots a pellet at 1600fps.Seen this Guy on TV make mostly head shots for instant kills,but did kill a wild hog with a chest shot.
Hog went about 50 yards.Wish state DNR realized that cloven hoofed animals need to be managed.The land can only support so many of any of us.