Big old freighter canoe rebuild


Maybe you need to name this vessel the Alice....or maybe To the Moon!....

Wish I could be there to back you up!

I appreciate the offer Steve , wish you were close by. I never named a boat before but if I do , to the moon it is. Funny she doesn't come back to the shop much. But last time she said stuff like I never knew you had so many boats back here. Whoops. There's also a pile at the clubhouse. Pat Gregory can attest to that.
Wish I was the neighbor kid to be able to work on that boat. I'll be keeping an eye out for your updates.
No but I took te lines off the one in the Fish Hatchery at Sand Ridge. Someday, Ill build one. I built that skiff 25 years ago . It started life as a canadian light batteau , designed by John Gardner. I built it straight from plans in his "The Dory Book". It got damaged so I cut the sheer profile down to 11 inches and made her into a pirogue on steriods. Very stable to stand and push pole. I mainly use the boat as a decoy boat at a pothole blind.
Thats Lou's paint on her (LSB #28). The ice got her last winter and needed some bottom repair.
I got her flipped over with the help of a buddy. Saturday I got the 14 half ribs clinched with his help. They were out of my reach and I really appreciated his help. We got two longitudinal 1x's down the length of the bottom and it started to stiffen up the boat a little. I'll take some pics tomorrow .
Chris, I have been duck hunting. Shes all wrapped up for the winter. Shes been stabilized and can handle a snow load . For now I must shoot mallards.
That's what I assumed I've been busy myself with stacking ducks hahaha. Good luck out there. I look forward to the spring to follow your progress
That is some project you have undertaken, Bob. I sure have enjoyed the progression of pictures showing what you have done so far.

When looking at this freighter canoe I couldn't help but recall reading about the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Just knowing how much upstream paddling they did made me tired just thinking about it. Best of luck to you.
Bob, are you a member or have you been a member of the Wooden Canoe Heritage Assoc. and did you know Cris Merrigold?
I had almost enough time to finish the exterior but the weather started to change and duck stuff took over.
Pat the skiff gets deployed this week
Al In the Lewis and Clark days boats were made of wood and men were made from iron
Mike I frequent that website and it is a good source of info
Duck season ended yesterday for me. I will get back to it soon and will document its progress for all to see.