Bypass surgery doc

harry whitley

Well-known member
Good news is my bypass surgery doc is a duck hunter. Bad news is I have had to go to every specialist you can name except OB-GYN to get quailified for the gastric bypass.

Start the liquids only diet on June 25 and the surgery is scheduled on July 9th.
My days of eating anything with sugar in it are over for my lifetime and no fried foods at all for at least a year (darned tough on a southern boy). From what they tell me I will really be able to enjoy the outdoors so much more and will actually have the desire to do more chores etc.

There is a 1% chance of death on the table, but hey I'll take 99% odds on most anything.

Best to all and limit the sweets you eat (food),
Good luck Harry. If the gastric bypass folks are as good as the CABG team you shouldn't have any problems. You've got a long life and a great future in the outdoors to look forward to.


By the way: My Triple CABG, 4th anniversary is today. All is still A-OK. In fact went dancing at a wedding reception last Saturday.
[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Start the liquids only diet on June 25 and the surgery is scheduled on July 9th.
That could be fun Harry. Lets see there is Papst, Bud, Old Milwaukee, Samual Adams. There is a lot of beer to choose from. On the lighter side White lightning and a bunch of that colored stuff. You know Harry by the ninth of July you won't care. ( ; o )

I not sure if that's what your Doc was thinking of..........I know I couldn't handle a liquid diet any more. I tried that in the past but not any more....

Good luck on the surgery Harry and we will be thinking about you. Even asking for a little help from the Big Guy.
Thanks for all the good wishes and prayers guys.

Unfortunately Pete brewski's are not allowed on the liquid diet, not even Odoul's or any other of the non alcoholic brews.

Heck, beer helped me attain my gargantuan size and I will truly miss it, but I won't be tipping over the boats as badly as I used to and will be able to buy normal waders etc.
Plus our insurance is getting ready to up the rates on overweight people.

Being really fat sucks all the way around.

Best to all,
Harry, will lift you up in prayer! God is in control... Pat

"The Lord himself goes before you, He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:7