My lab tore her CCL in January 2021, on the last day of the duck season. She was only 5 at the time, after discussing options with a few vets and surgeons we opted to have the TPLO surgery done. She got it done the first week in March, and her first training retrieves were in late June. I was worried that her leg would never be the same but I have been amazed so far at how well she recovered, it didn't slow her down one bit and she can swim and run like nothing ever happened. We hunt waterfowl and upland and she's good to go with both. Honestly the recovery period was the toughest thing for us mainly because as soon as they feel better a week or two after surgery they think that they are back to 100% and want to go go go! We hunt a lot of shallow water that's not quite deep enough for her to swim in and too deep to just run through, I think that puts more stress on the joints than swimming or running and might have been a contributing factor.
The TPLO surgery is expensive for sure but seems to be the best lasting fix, for what it's worth it cost just under $2500 in Utah. Best of luck, I'm sure your dog will be raring to go before you know it!