Crippled Bluebill...

Brandon Yuchasz

Well-known member

Whats not to love about that eh?
I love it! Bringing in cripples is what we have em for. Just wish there didn't seem to be so many bluebills that are cripples, tough birds.
I miss my chessie, I wish the best dog's never died. Your picture took place for me more times I could count. I'm in the throw's of training my new GWP pup. It get's so hard not to compare. I'm in upland heaven now so I tried something new. Thanks for the pics and memories...-Seth
I do believe in my lifetime, I've expended almost as many rounds killing cripples (especially after Steel Shot) with, and without dogs, than I have shooting waterfowl Over Water. It's all part of the deal.
One shot may bring em down, and a heck of a lot more to bring them to hand. Dogs may save the day, but the hunter has to do his job first. That's a good photo.
Nice photo, Brandon. Manitoba?

You can train a retriever to dive for birds. Just start with the dog on stay in shallow standing water. Hold the bumper just under the water's surface and give the dog its release command. Eventually, the dog will become comfortable with its snout and face in the water dredging for bumpers. Now move to submerged bumpers in a foot of water; then two feet and progress to five FOW. Very handy addition to a dog's repertoire! If you are working the dog in stagnant water for training, just make sure to keep their ears clean of wax build-up to minimize the possiblity of an ear infection.
I had a feeling you all would like the picture. This picture was taken this weekend on Lake Erie. The dog is Bella she is 6 and had the process figured out. She is one of those chessies that spends all summer sticking her head under water in the lake and bringing rocks up on shore. Neurotic is a great way to explain her personality but she is a great hunter and when the decoys are set she will stare out over that water all day waiting on birds. The bill was crippled and had had somewhere in the neighborhood of 6 swatter shots on it before I released her.
Looks like a greater with all the white in the wing and the heavy bill...

We get both down here in January...nice morning when you get some of the bigger birds in the bag...
Brandon, actually my initial reaction was: tough bird; tougher dog! I have never seen one with any quit in it.

I had a half British labrador, Crockett, that used to whine while tracking a cripple, continually on swimming cripples the dog could see. I never tried to train the behavior out, since it gave me clear knowledge that the dog was on the bird. We were jumpshooting Munuscong one day out of my TDB during the high water years. My hunting partner dropped a black that jumped on the edge of range, his first,on the other end of a small pocket of open water I had found while we were doing aquatic vegetation transects earlier in the year in along the north shore(working in fisheries research had its perks for a duck hunter). I was waste deep in the water slowly sliding the boat through the bullrushes and the dog was inside with the blind up, with my partner shooting out of the front from a standing position-good balance and full shooting arc swing. Neither of us got a mark on the bird. After nearly twenty minutes of Crockett working that bird's scent trail through the half-frozen cattail stands inshore and back into open water, the dog made the retrieve. I was very proud, but I also knew I had to get my dog out of the icewater pronto since hypothermia was setting-in. Got the dog back in the boat, vest off and wrapped my coat inside out around it and started messaging with a swim team water absorption towel. My partner's first comment about his trophy and the dogwork? "Doesn't that whining bug you?" My response, "your whining or the dog's?" Only dog whose ashes I ever kept-they still sit on my decoy workbench. There will be a second urn joining them sometime in the next two years.
You have got yourself One Fine Dog if she bobs for rocks. The best chessie I ever hunted with, would bob for rocks when the shootin' got Slow. Especially in the Late Season in Ohio. The dog would be totally covered in ice and Loved It! A dog that is just as crazy as the hunter to be out There where We Belong.