Damn its cold!!!!


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23 degrees with a 20-30 mph wind this morning. Damn, thats cold for Mobile AL!! That may be normal for some of yall up north but its a once or twice a winter temp for us. Last season we never got below 30.

Crazily, we tried to go duck hunting, agreed to meet up at the ramp at 6:30 and assess things. Glad we did. The north wind over-powered what should have been a reasonably "high" low tide. There was not enough water left in the upper bay to hunt any of our spots. Places that should have had 2' of water were dry. Since low tied was at 6:30am, we greed to meet back up at noon to see how much water comes back and also to let it warm up a little. MIght get to hunt today, might not.

Winds should lay down today & tonight, forecast low is 21 tonight. Water will also come back as it slowly calms down. I'm planning on going in the morning too. Gotta find my "real" gloves!
I feel for you!!! Hunting still..... In those brutal conditions!!! Keep warm! It was -14 real temp when. I went to work yesterday.
Yeah, but its a damp cold down here!

Basically, we just don't really have the gear to hunt when its low 20s/teens with this kinda wind chill.

But actually, in this instance, the lack of water is a bigger problem.
Had to pick our satsumas, they have icicles forming on them.

With a second hard freeze coming tonight, the juice cells will start to burst and ruin them. This is a 5 gallon bucket, it's about 1/2 the fruit on our tree.

View attachment Satsumas010717.jpg
Jan 5
"[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]The wind has died, sun is out and I'm down to a long sleeve tshirt and waders, and no birds flying. I'm here gonna stick it out. Updates to follow."

Jan 7
[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Damn its cold!!!! [/font] Quote | Reply
23 degrees with a 20-30 mph wind this morning. Damn, thats cold for Mobile AL!! That may normal for some of yall up north but its a once or twice a winter temp for us. Last season we never got below 30."

as they used to say where i lived in PA for a while

"Some people wouldn't be happy if they was hung with a new rope"


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Carl I feel your pain! I live in Southern Ontario and we are in the last week of our season. I got to a good spot early Wednesday on the north shore of Lake Erie, about an hour from where I live. Hundreds of birds on the move, winds gusting up to 50 mph though chased me out of my spot, decoys would not hold position, temps dropping from above freezing below freezing over about an hour. Did manage to find a quiet spot occupied by a fellow hunter who welcomed me in. Harvested a really nice pair of Buffleheads. Went back to my area Friday, my last possible day to hunt. All the anticipation and preparation was in vain! Got to the shore to find 150 yards of pack ice and floating ice. Winds and cold temps had created ice and moved ice in over the two days. Walked the edge as much as I dared but just didn't feel it was worth it. Stayed to watch a beautiful sunrise and tons of birds buzzing around. Hope your last day goes better than mine.
We never were able to hunt. The north wind kept the water driven out of the upper Bay and we could not get to any spots with ducks. Called it a wrap.
Going tomorrow, most likely down to MS Sound. More to follow!
That's winter weather on the Gulf Coast!
Short sleeves one day, parkas the next.
We did launch this afternoon, just couldn't get close to anywhere we needed to be!

Here is the tide gauge readings for yesterday and today. Can you guess when the north winds kicked in??? We bottomed out a full 1.7' below predicted tides. In our estuary that makes a huge difference.

[inline lowtide.jpg ]

View attachment lowtide.jpg
We did launch this afternoon, just couldn't get close to anywhere we needed to be!

Here is the tide gauge readings for yesterday and today. Can you guess when the north winds kicked in??? We bottomed out a full 1.7' below predicted tides. In our estuary that makes a huge difference.

Carl, I am not sure you understand cold. :) We are expecting some warmer weather on Tuesday. Will be sure to get out to enjoy it.

[inline forecast.jpg]

View attachment forecast.JPG
"We are expecting some warmer weather on Tuesday. Will be sure to get out to enjoy it. "

Gotta keep a positive attitude!!
Wish we had surf clams here!
Only clams we have in large numbers is Rangia. I'm sure they are edible but they only occur in areas that are closed to harvest.
That is a good day for digging clams here!

Tod, I can always count on you for a laugh. We need a chinook!

Your temps with Carl's low water and that is a great winter clamming day. I have clammed on days cold enough that I thought the clams would freeze and die before I got them home - so I put them in a cooler to keep warm and put them in the cab of the truck for the drive home.
"We are expecting some warmer weather on Tuesday. Will be sure to get out to enjoy it. "

Gotta keep a positive attitude!!

With temps like this I don't even have to plug in the diesel. Balmy for sure.
That is a good day for digging clams here!

Tod, I can always count on you for a laugh. We need a chinook!

Your temps with Carl's low water and that is a great winter clamming day. I have clammed on days cold enough that I thought the clams would freeze and die before I got them home - so I put them in a cooler to keep warm and put them in the cab of the truck for the drive home.

Good to know. A clam bake sounds good to me!