DECEMBER - What's on your work bench?

You guys are amazing! Every month I look forward to and check this post and I am never ceased to be in awe of your abilities. Whether it's decoys, calls or boats and their accessories. it's simply fantastic. It's better than getting the waterfowl catalog.

Best to all of you and thanks for sharing.

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Been a while since I played with lobster pot bodies, I made these from pot bodies, pine boar head/chest, and trex keels with brass eyelets for line attachment.


I really like that simple style decoy. Great silhouette and enough shape provided by the buoy.

Is the Trex the full hick ness of a deck board? Does the Trex absorb water and swell over time?

Chad A

As always, I love the bold simplicity - of your carving and paint. I hunt over a Bull Shelldrake I made from black cork years ago and need to make a hen or two - your silhouettes will inspire!

All the best,

Thanks guys..

Chad, the trex is just cutoffs from my deck cut to shape, so yes, the thickness is as it comes. I have no idea if it will absorb water over time. I doubt it will as I don't hunt like I used to, if they see water more than once a week for a couple of hours I'll be surprised (and thrilled!).
going for a classic pin up look this month. No clothes, in black and white, oh and with curves.


Kris they were the longest ones I could find, I want to say 17-18", and 8" diameter. You can find wider but shorter but for the merganser shape I wanted longer rather than wider.
Sometimes the initial inspiration for a project starts with finding an interesting piece to salvage. I'm always scouring the thrift, antique, & second-hand furniture shops for something that catches my eye.

With the "fixing up" just about complete, here's a box that had been sitting in the shop since I found it last spring. A bit of sandpaper, steel wool, secret Bill Kennedy "sauces," and the addition of a half-goose head saved from a long-ago abandoned black cork rig I made in the 70's (amazing what I find in the back of cabinets!), and I now have a gunner's box that looks like it's been laying in some backwater shed since market gunning was outlawed:
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Of course, it's what I'm completing right now to fill it with that's really going to put it over the top and make someone extremely happy. More pics will follow at a later date (....Hey, it's hunting season)
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Great box! I look forward to when you finally complete it - with a couple of coats of Max-4-Advantage X-Treme (et cetera).....

(More seriously, I love that goose head!)

All the best,
