First, a couple just finished, cork drake mallard, in oils
Pine Common Eider, also in oil
and currently on the bench, my first full body attempt, either a mallard or a black
and here a hen mallard I am working on painting. Since I am continually frustrated by hens, I used Grayson Chessers instructions from his book. I figured doing it someone elses way would help me learn, and get a finished product I am happy with. Getting there...still not happy haha...
I'm diggin the playhouse in the background. It would make a good decoy shop.
anyway a Mandarin duck I,m in the process of painting and a pair of miniature wood ducks.
Nothing new to post up right now - as RD Wilson likes to say: "Time for all that art to hit the water." But I am always working on stuff.
We're finally starting to see some weather, better water conditions and a few birds. This I did a few all-frond hunts. I think one of my favorite groups of decoys to set out consists of palm frond carvings. It's always neat to see birds decoy over these throwbacks from a time when decoy makers made do with what materials they could find locally.
I got some hateful looks from Sadie during an afternoon hunt on Thursday when we had a big group of mallards hanging over the fronds.... all I managed was poking a few holes in the sky without touching a feather. That inspired me to stay out 'til sunset; but, alas, opportunity flew but once that day.
Back at it the following afternoon with better results. Here are pictures I took of the frond decoys, frond pickleweeds, & Sadie :
Looks like were in for steady rain through Monday and then another drop in temps. Looking at what's out West, I'm hoping we'll get a push of new birds by Tuesday or so.