DU hunters party AND GAME DINNER GREAT FOOD AND FUN fri. FEB, 18 2001 313 Frowein rd , CTR. Moriches long Island NY 7pm cost $30. WEAR SOME CAMO AND YOU WILL BE PUT IN GUN RAFFEL. COME RAISE SOME $ FOR THE DUCKS
Have fun with your DU Hunter's Party! My chapter here in Decatur, Illinois is
having one on February 5th, 2011. This will be our 4th year having this type
of event.
address is 313 frowein rd ctr moriches . knights of columbus just west of ctr .moriches high school. all raffels are for decoys ,guns , hunting items and we will have auction for some items time is 7pm .raffle package special spend $100 get $200 raffel tix plus avery gun case .hope to c u there Joe
take route 27 to exit 59 go to light, go south, make rt on brookfield ave go to stop light <frowein rd > make rt pass highschool on rt knights of columbus is just past it on same side #313 frowein rd start time is 7pm hope to c u there joe