Duck boat get together in NW PA...

So, is this a boating thing or more of a picnic? I normally don't make it to very many events since I work swing shift and cram my family time into the few weekends I have off. But if there is always a chance I could make it if it's at PI.

I'm hoping for a focus on boats.....with some food and drink as an added attraction.

If it is just boats - I'll be there
If it is just food - I won't be there
If it is boats and food - I'll be there
John, All about boats and getting them wet, food maybe but not important we'll see after when and where are tied down.

Let me check the 28th date with my wife. I'll bring the estuary. I'd be fine with PI, Mosq., Pymie and Chat..
Now we're getting somewhere...Lets shoot for the Aug. 28th at Pymatuning. I may have to take my daughter back to college that weekend, but I think I can work around it. I haven't been to Pymatuning with my boat so somebody else will have to chime in here as far as an exact location of ramps and such.

I think this year it may be more of a duckboat and decoy gathering. We can either grab a bite somewhere locally for those that want to or bring some grub along as you see fit.

Looking forward to seeing everybody there...

By the way...Don, John A., Darin, or anybody else up around Erie is more than welcome to ride down with me. Unless you're dragging your own boat of course. We might be able to fit your Kara in the back of the truck John...

Aug 28th is the district 4h horse show, I'll have to see what happens at the county show on the 8th before and can say yes or no. If the past is any indication, it will probably be a no.
I was planning to bring the broadbill this year but I have to deliver my niece to
college that weekend. Don't know the details yet so I'm not sure if I'm in or not.
Is there still a motor restriction there? John
As far as I can tell I am free on the 21st but gotta confirm with the wife. I'll let Tim know. Not sure how many carvers will be among the group, but it would be neat if everyone that does brought along a few of their handcarved blocks to show off.

Sooo, is everybody okay with August 21st then?

Input for location?

Chris...can you contact Tim B. and see if he is interested in coming?

I've been making some progress with the cedar. I've got several birds I've been working on, but most of the time has been on this golden eye for the decoy swap. It is supposed to be in the mail by Aug. 1. Some last minute paint details and a keel and it will be on it's way to it's new home.


Have you started any carving?
I think the 28th was probably the only weekend in August that would work for me and I just found out I have to attend a wedding reception/BBQ that day.
Hopefully I can pull both off in one day...
Lookin' good Darin. I have to get one of your decoys one of these days to add to the collection. I haven't had nearly as much time as I was hoping for this summer to work on decoys. I plan to rethink my priorities here very soon so I can spend some time on birds. I have gone as far as cutting the top and side profile out of a few blocks and that is about it. As soon as I get the shop cleaned up, hopefully tonight, I am devoting more time to some birds.

Don't feel bad Sam...It is official I do have to get my daughter back to college that day. Fortunately it isn't too far from Pymatuning so I may just bring her and all of her dorm junk with me. I am still working on those details.

What time do you guys want to meet? Morning? Early Afternoon? And which boat launch?...Gene knows where some are and can offer suggestions as far as that goes.

Hope to see some of you carvers there as well...Darin, Chris, John A., John L., and anybody else.

Larry, I have some fixin' on my rig as well. Have to order supplies tonight and get it done in the next couple weeks. Hope to see ya there.

August 28th is Mama Volleyduck's birthday. I'm not sure that would fly around the Volleyduck household.

I will point out though that the Pymatuning Waterfowl Expo is in the same place three weeks later. I will be there helping out with the decoy competition. I'll also have a table full of my decoys should anyone like to see them up close.
That reminds me...I still need to mail my payment in for the Pymatuning Show. I'll see ya there with my calls/ lanyards and paraphernalia John!

How does 10 am sound to everybody? That should give everybody plenty of time to get there. We can tool around with the boats / decoys for a few hours and everybody can decide what to do as far as lunch or other commitments go afterward.

10 am is fine for me. Ideas for launchs? Causeway Ohio or pa side? Paraphernalia? watcha you selling @ Pymmy show?Haha

Gene R.