We once had a plucker head that we had gotten from Cabela's. It was a steel cup closed at one end that had holes drilled around the sides through which you put rubber fingers that came with it and had a post coming out the closed end which was designed for a drill chuck. We got an electric motor, a drill chuck, and a rheostat to adjust the speed and mounted it on a saw horse. It worked great, a GWT in one minute and a big duck in 2. Unfortunately, we lost it in Superstorm Sandy(the New Jersey version of "The Perfect Storm"). I don't know if anything like this is still available, but for a non-commercial operation it was great. So I pluck them now 90% of the time. That, to me, makes such a big difference in the flavor that it is worth the extra time. But if you find one let us know, I would build another plucker, the whole thing was pretty inexpensive. I think the plucker head was around $20.