Duck Hunters Arrested for Beating Another Hunter at Felsenthal Nat'l Refuge

Eric Patterson

Staff member
I can't help but wonder if this kind of behavior is an aberration, a product of the times, or if there was a time when this sort of thing happened, and nobody went to the media with it. They sure look old enough to know better.

There has always been crazy a&&holes.
I think we now just hear about it vs 20, 30, 50 years ago it wouldn’t make national news.
Very sad. I have heard of issues in our area but have never witnessed it. Of course, there are those that will ignore you and won't give you the time of day here especially in a group. Its best to ignore it and go about your buiness. Not like it was when I was a kid and everybody knew everybody at the ramp and where they hunted. Most of the time someone was waiting at the ramp to make sure everyone got off the water at the end of the day. Times have changed.
There has always been crazy a&&holes.
I think we now just hear about it vs 20, 30, 50 years ago it wouldn’t make national news.
I can't help but wonder if this kind of behavior is an aberration, a product of the times, or if there was a time when this sort of thing happened, and nobody went to the media with it. They sure look old enough to know better.

Right on guys. There was no shortage of googans when I was a kid, but nobody had a cellphone. And news was news, not a 2 hour drama show. No excuse for this crap though.
I am not so sure that times have totally changed. I have known folk that would have done exactly all of that. And perhaps more. Now maybe it has gotten WORSE over time or perhaps it is just more visible because of social media. But that behavior (not behavior that I agree with) is not new, sadly.
Here's another crazy bleep-hole story:
I went to pick up my venison today from the processor. Got to talking to the owner. Asked: "do people treat you well?"

Answer: "Yes, except for the guys who don't come and pick up their game."

Gave me this example. Back in October, a father came in with his son to get the son's deer processed. They had asked for all the cuts and all the types of sausage. The bill would come out to over $300.

Two months later and the guy still hadn't come back for the venison. Meanwhile, his son gets another deer. Dad as the audacity to bring it in to be processed. Processor says, "you want to pick up your first deer?" Father says, "sure," but he doesn't have any money. Processor doesn't take a card. Dad asks the processor if he can take the venison with him and he promises to bring the money right in.

What gall!!!!! Processor said, "Nope!"

At the end of the season, the processor has to donate this hunters venison (if he doesn't show up with money), but he doesn't get paid for the processing or the freezer costs for 2-3 months of keeping the venison frozen.

Hunters for the Hungry will only reimburse the processor for donated meat IF the hunter intended the meat to be donated!

What kind of a low life kills a deer or allows his family to kill a deer and then isn't willing to pay for the processing?

When I first started to really get into duck hunting, back in 1996, a guy I worked with went to Arkansas every year. He said screaming matches and confrontations happened all the time, even back then. So no, this is nothing new.
Boat stuck? You stop and offer help where I'm from. And idiots starting fights over stupid crap and getting arrested has always been a good news story.
Made me think of a picture I have in my files from years ago taken at an icy ramp commonly used on one stretch of the river. These guys were all strangers to each other, but everyone was pitching in to clear the ramp so all could have access. Doesn't seem to be the mentality any longer.iceramp.jpg
Made me think of a picture I have in my files from years ago taken at an icy ramp commonly used on one stretch of the river. These guys were all strangers to each other, but everyone was pitching in to clear the ramp so all could have access. Doesn't seem to be the mentality any longer.View attachment 52860
Been there, done that. Usually it's late season coastal hunts when we are taking out and the ramp has been slicked up from the water dripping off the boats that pulled earlier.
Made me think of a picture I have in my files from years ago taken at an icy ramp commonly used on one stretch of the river. These guys were all strangers to each other, but everyone was pitching in to clear the ramp so all could have access. Doesn't seem to be the mentality any longer.View attachment 52860
Been there! Stupid me left my salt and gear at home. The day started out great then the snow came in. By the time it was my turn at the ramp to load out it was a sheet of ice. I was the last one out. Two trucks turned around and 6 guys I didn't know hoped into the bed of my truck. One guy yells back into the river then gun it. I spun for all I was worth in 4 wheel drive and made it to dry pavement. I tried offering what cash I had. The oldest guy just said nope. Maybe you'll be here when it's my turn!
I think this has been an issue for years, maybe not forever but years for sure.
I've seen enough competitive groups hunting pheasants here in SD. Seems like the norm for years has been to get yours and to hell with the others.
Yeah...guy stuck on a log, other guys yelling at him because he's blocking the boat lane on a low water year, and it goes south from there.

There is nothing a duck hunter hates so much as another duck hunter during the season. Arkansas has always had its share of conflict during duck season. I hate it, but there's a mentality around certain people that is a mix of entitlement, greed, and envy. Their hole, their ducks, doing whatever it takes to be extreme and put some birds on the strap because that's all that matters.

I remember a guy from a lease years ago that stood there and said, "I don't kill ducks...I SLAY them...I'm a ****ing duck SLAYER and nobody here is even close"
Went out to a spot on some land I have sole permission to hunt. Got there and there were already hunters on it. I needed some humor that particular morning so I asked if I could join their group. Reply was the old friendly finger and a few choice words. Decided more fun was needed. Got out my gear and started walking to the spot I typically hunt. More cussing and yelling. I ignored them and had texted the local CO before walking out. They were yelling about being the only ones who had permission to hunt this spot and on and on. I've seen this all before and have grown tired of it. The land owner expects me to police the spot which I happily do. Just about the time these honorable men start walking over to me the local CO shows. Playing the game, he askes them what's going on. They lie and tell their wacky story. CO informs them that they are trespassing (there are signs all over). Instead of apologizing they turn nasty. Didn't work out so well for them.

Or my all time favorite. Had permission to launch my Hoefgen from some private land and float down river to a great hunting spot. Day before I was going to hunt I walked down to make sure the water hadn't froze. While walking back I ran into a group of four all camo'ed up. I ask what they are doing and they lied and said just walking the river. I let them know this is private and that the land owner take joy in prosecuting trespassers. They ignore me. Net morning I drive to the spot and see their truck parked. I ban hear them down the trail. I start walking down the where I kept my boat and I come across them on the trail. I tell them they are trespassing and that I can guarantee them the land owner is going to call the cops.. A few choice words and we go our own ways. I get down the river and get set up. Here theses clowns come (in a 14" rowboat they carried 1/4 mile to the river. The float right through my decoys and make some more chide remarks. i ignore them as I know what's coming. These guys aren't hunters an are skybusting everything. Like clockwork my phone rings and it is the landowner. Asks if I brought friends along as there was a truck parked on his land he didn't recognize. I said nope, that I had warned them and they came out anyway. Landowner says he is calling the CO. I continue my hunt and when I was done the other group was also picking up. I paddled over to them and told them they better get their story straight as the cops and the CO will be meeting them where their truck was parked. I felt generous an gave them fair warning. More insults and words I never hear.

Anyway, I beat them back to where the vehicles were and the local cops, CO and landowner were all there. I said the guys would soon be here and waiting around to watch the fun.. Up the trail these guys come and were met by the law. They lied through their teeth. Became belligerent an thrown into the cop car and taken downtown. It was a fun morning,