is 10 (now 20). Can you believe it?

Eric and Steve, If it weren't for this site no one would understand me. Lee Harker would not have been able to post a "simple" set of guidelines "Something to help us understand Diana" and I would remain Miss Understood. It has been a wonderful place to banter and share a warped sense of humor.

I have missed you all of late. I am Precalculating these days.

Oh by the way Steve, thanks for knocking my underwear off......hopefully one day I can return the favor.

Happy Anniversary
I don't remember the year when I first posted up either, but it was way back then... February just marked 10 years for me at my current place of employment, and that was the first access I had to the net. I found Hoosier Jim first and pretty soon after that, I found the Duck Boat Page... 75% of the people I talk to daily and weekly are a result of this page. Heck, I was out in the shop carving this evening and a guy from Norwalk, OH walked in the door sat down and BS'd for a while cause he was passing through.... Kelly Ross. He hasn't been in this site in years, but I met him here. Carving, decoy shows, hunting in MD, DE, ID, OH, and CA, all because of this place... To think the stuff that consumes most of my free time and more time at work than I would ever admit to is because of this place... it's almost unbelievable.

Thanks to everybody that kept it goin'.
You've all said it so well, no need to repeat it from this end. I've learned so much. Have appreciated the overall positive tone, always look forward to reading folks updates without having to deal with a soap opera. Thanks!
All I can say is THANKS. I joined in 04 and have been a daily lurker and an occasional poster since then. I've meet some new friends like Tim Shields, Andrew, Dave M and Dave Clark. I hope to hunt with all of them someday. I can't see myself trying to build a boat but I hope to try carving soon I just started to collect some tools, not anything to fancy just a few stools to hunt over. As far as the boat goes I'm still trying to convince my wife if she lets me buy one of Dave Clarks Estuarys it will be the last duckboat I buy. I start just about every morning drinking my coffee and browsing this site. ....Thanks again...Phil
Thanks Eric for all the good times and memories, not to menton the friends I've made and boats I've built because of you. Lots of seasons past and ducks across the bow.


Well, now we are 20. Happy birthday to all the fine friends here at and here's to 20 more.

Eric Patterson
Here here! And thank you, Eric, for fostering a site that is a true gift -- the chance to learn from and network with like-minded friends.
Dad found this site years ago. It's one of many things he passed along to me that has been a joy. Thanks for all the work to keep the site going.
Happy Birthday to Duckboats!!!! This has been a great place to hang out! Good friends have been found because of here. Thanks to Eric for getting it started, Steve for keeping it going and Chuck for taking over for Steve and helping Eric out so much. Looking forward to more years of this place.

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I also cannot believe how the time has flown. Seems like yesterday a friend told me about this website that I might like. All I can really do is put random memories into words. Boats built, best friends forever, support through tuff times (thanks all), Argentina, dogs and hunting partners gone ahead, advice good and bad shared, lack of advertising and a civil exchange. Tin pot hats, "take a poop" and many more. Not a day goes by that I don't check in. A big happy birthday to all here and thanks to Eric for getting this started.
Happy birthday!
I'm just glad there are still guys that have been around here longer than I have...I'd hate to be an old timer like Carl. [w00t]

HOLY CRAPPIN did all you people get so old...all you young punks back then aren't so young anymore NOW ARE YA.....

What a GREAT 20 years its been....I don't post much anymore, (mostly because I've drifted to Pointy Dogs and Upland Birds and have found myself more retrospective than I was previously...more willing to see the other guys side, (I've hunted over moto decoys a couple of times in the past couple of years and neither felt the need to shoot them nor did I wake the next morning feeling like I was a lesser man)…..its been a process for sure.....

I sit here and remember all the good times....hell even the fights were GOOD TIMEs...I remember Eric "TIMING US OUT" and how mad he got when so many of us whined when he changed the format.....I remember the good friends now gone and the dogs that are no longer with us.....and kids grown from babies to the new crop of Snot NOsed Punks......all the special hunts so many of us have shared and the good times we had a result of some red haired man child making a page to showcase a plywood boat being built, (bet that red hair is shot with grey these days Eric)....

I figure I've got at least another 20 years left in me and will continue to check in daily to see whats up on what was, is and always will be THE BEST WATERFOWLING INTERNET Duck Club on the net....
Eric & Steve, Thanks for keeping this fine site going. I know it has the best of sportsman here to talk with. I have met, talked and dealt With a few what generous, sharing honest folks. Proud to be a part of it.
I just had fun going back to what we posted 10 years ago. To see what was written, but even more, to see who posted back then. My thoughts on this site are unchanged from my previous post, I still feel like it’s Eric’s den or living room and we’re welcome as long as we act civilized. Different guys have stepped up to collect the beer & munchy money and keep everyone civil. A huge thanks to Steve and Chuck for taking up the slack when life caught up to Eric. I have met so many wonderful guys through this site, attended 3 lobsterfests and hosted a couple of casting parties. It’s taken me from a forty two year old father of young girls, to a grandfather who is eligible for Social Security. I still check in frequently to make sure I’m not missing anything.

I’ve come up with my next duck boat project, looking for the right aluminum hull to get started. Once it gets going I’ll take plenty of pictures and post a bit more.

Eric, thank you so much for a site that has been very important to me for the last 19.75 years! Please keep it going for another 20.

Guys (and Dani),
In the early days of this site, I spent most of my time on the MLB site serving as its "chaplain" at Mark Rongers' invitation. What great friendships there! I attended two of the MLB "rendezvous", one at Pool 9 and one In Ontario (can someone help me remember the location; was it near Hamilton?)

When the MLB site went down, I grieved.

But the transfer of time to this site and this group has been a blessing. At first I was intimidated by the quality of craftsmanship and the pure duck knowledge of the duckboats members. Gradually I got over my intimidation.

Like many of you, I now look at this site in the morning prior to checking the news. Much more uplifting.

God bless Eric, Steve and the many others whose vision and deliberate commitment have not allowed this site to fail.

I raise a glass to you all and I look forward to the opportunity to gather around the fire together and talk shop.

Eric, Many thanks for running a great & wonderful site all these yrs...We all have enjoyed all the subject matter that comes across the site & learned a lot.