February "What's on your Workbench?"

Still too cold in my workspace to do anything comfortably or to glue anything up, since 80% of my workspace is outdoors, but I made a verbal commitment on a small 2'x3' drafting table from Craigslist that I expect to pick up by week's end so I can work on some patterns in a more proper manner than on the living room coffee table sitting on the floor. Until then I carve vicariously thru you guys.....
Hey Jim, If you every want to carve in my basement (shop) you are welcome. Just let me know what works for you.
Thanks Pete
This is my favorite thread. I've been enjoying everyone's work and have tried unsuccessfully to upload decent quality photos. While I continue to fight my machine, I'll ask that anyone who is interested to view a group of teal I finished this weekend on photobucket:

Thanks for looking. And I'd like any feedback that you might offer.


Pic of Franks teal. Copy and paste the IMG option under the pic into the thread

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some in progress stuff..a blue goose from a pair with a snow and blue

a pintail, one of 3, from a pattern given to me by r. chmiel.

and a wigeon for my brother, similar in shape to a chesser wigeon i always liked.

I haven't posted any pictures in awhile so I thought what the heck.


Cork Bluebill with white pine head going to my cousin in Virginia.


Cork Bluewingers with white pine head going to a hunting buddies son.


Hollowed white pine Mallards heading to Michigan


Hollowed white pine Goldeyes heading to Michigan
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Jim - I like your style.

FINALLY!!! I am back to carving. This is the first bird on the bench since my son was born 8 months ago... It's amazing how much free time I had :) A very puffy, very proud GWT. After this I am starting on an 8 bird frond rig. I can't wait to start them up!


A couple of donation decoys. The Hoodie goes to the local DU banquet and the other to a niece for a school fund raiser.

This the last bird I finished, Actually awhile ago. My favorite species of waterfowl.



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Hi Chris - As someone who is just learning how to carve, one of the things I want to strive for is how to make a decoy look "animated" - I see that in your mallard and really like it. Thanks for posting - show us what it looks like all dressed up when you finish painting!



p.s. got the "floating sculpture" book regarding delaware decoys.....read it in a night. awesome book with some great info!
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