February "What's on your Workbench?"

some large breasted nudity


Guess this is "off the workbench," but the Cali Open is about the only show I send a bird to anymore (that because they do a frond category). Bob Sutton of the Long Beach (and past founder of the IWCA) is the driving force in keeping frond carving alive as a decoy form, and he's the guy responsible for getting me carving them.

I sent this gadwall drake this year and was fortunate enough to have it get a 3rd Best of Show.

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View attachment Gadwallfrond 019 (600 x 399).jpg

View attachment Gaddy (600 x 448).jpg

This year, the decorative fronds and the decoy fronds were judged in two separate categories. The winning decorative frond sculpture (a wild turkey) was simply breathtaking. I'd post pics of it, but don't want to step on anyone's toes by using pictures taken from another website.

Congrats on the ribbon. Sweet looking decoy. I've been meaning to talk to you about your frond decoys, expect a message in the new future.
Outstanding work from everyone! You guys amaze me and inspire me! I am just getting started and hope to have a lifetime of carving ahead of me!

I started with carving foam using a hot-wire bandsaw and a rotary rasp. I have been using patterns from my Mark Costilow book and also for painting. My first one was a Can, and now I have a Redhead burlapped with the first coat, and a Scaup and GE roughed out. Here's a few pics from the start of my new obsession!!! A little picture heavy. Sorry, I'm excited about this!









It's getting nice today so I moved my "workbench" outside. Painting on a few different ducks, most interesting to me is my first King Eider.

Also stacked and stickered about half of the Paulownia lumber I had milled. Everything from 2X6 up to 5X 10's.

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Nice decoys Jode. Nice pile of lumber too. Lots of potential birds in that pile!

Does that hollow turkey have hinges? It reminds me of a picture in "The Outlaw Gunner" where there was a hollow goose decoy with a black duck hidden inside.