February workbench

Update on the place for my workbench to go:

We finished up the brick veneer between the weather events. Only brick that is left are the columns on the porch and a well house. HVAC is done, plumbing is done, electrical is 90% done. My friend does commercial HVAC for a living so he and I did the HVAC, I have pulled all the wire for electrical, etc. I am ready to be done!

Inspections next week then it will be time for insulation and sheetrock.


Looking good.

To quote the title of Thomas Aquinas Daly's book - THE PAINTING SEASON.

It's here now.

Oil paint Least Bittern on wine case lid. Was inspired as I watched one up close last year while fly fishing. The smallest member of the Heron family and can really do a disappearing act in little to no cover. Amazing to see.
Looking good Vince