First post and hello.!

I am not an anarchist by any means, quite the opposite. It just seems a bit much at times.
Exactly my sentiment. What is worse is these things are very rarely checked. If they were routinely enforced, and fines handed out, I think you'd see the waterfowl ranks tighten up in all manners of conduct. But with so many rules unchecked and ignored it all becomes a joke. We have a WMA nearby that has been overrun with young inexperienced hunters whose behavior is idiotic and in every case I GUARANTEE they launch their boats with many laws ignored. The prevailing attitude is "I can do the fuck what I want." including breaking into locked blinds and boat races at 4:30 a.m. I'm not making this up. A half dozen hunters ended up in the water due to idiotic risky behavior over the course of the season. Imagine if the rules were enforced and marine police wrote tickets for the small stuff. You think the care-free "to hell with everyone one else" attitude would persist? Nope! You hold everyone to a standard and the riff raff would figure it out or find other pursuits. As it is now, I expect the state to deal with the problem by further access-restricting regulations instead of enforcing the fundamentals and creating an environment of compliance at the very least. I'm so sick of this shit I'm glad to spend more time on private these days than public.
I expect the state to deal with the problem by further access-restricting regulations instead of enforcing the fundamentals and creating an environment of compliance at the very least.

And that is the "crux of the biscuit" right there. It is not just in waterfowl and sporting pursuits, it is endemic in society and the result of the administrative state. Penalize everyone so you don't have to penalize anyone.
Richard-I live in Jersey also and didn't know that. But it's typical. Two are down in Cumberland county where I hunt and have a duck shack, and Winslow is east of me about 15 miles, and Green wood is over toward LBI.

Do you remember when Christy Whitman shut all of the unattended rest areas down? Instead of cleaning up the situation?
Richard-I live in Jersey also and didn't know that. But it's typical. Two are down in Cumberland county where I hunt and have a duck shack, and Winslow is east of me about 15 miles, and Green wood is over toward LBI.

Do you remember when Christy Whitman shut all of the unattended rest areas down? Instead of cleaning up the situation?
Yes, I remember. Born and raised in NJ, left 5 years ago but I still am on the NJ DEP mailing list.

Back to Shannon Kelly and his original post-you have good company here Shannon in not having enough duck boats. There are some people here with fleets that would rival a Navy, and find a new one(or two) seemingly every year. Keep them coming!
Where abouts in FL?
I'm in Tampa, moved here from Mobile 5 years ago.
Didn't know how good I had it back in Mobile, with great public waters and a good mix of birds.
Havent even bought a license or duck stamp since I moved here.
Buy that duck stamp any Carl!!!
Welcome and I’m more of a lurker on this site - love what you do on the OG site - met you at STA2 years ago and almost built a similar layout based on your success that day!!