I live in Florida but , I'm at a trade show in Michigan ..and on the hunt for duck boatsWelcome to the DHBP!
Nice scenery, where are you located?
Thanks ! I'm gonna have to put a slope on the underside , for towing or poling over hydrilla , right now it's a 90 deg angleWelcome aboard SJ!
That layout looks great!
I'm right on the Broward/palm beach county line ... i hunt the Stas quite a bit but things are going down the drain IMOI saw your pictures with the teal decoys and widgeon and wondered if you were in FL.
Welcome to the site from another Floridian! Look forward to hearing about your adventures on the water.
I'm below lake Okeechobee, I hunt the Sta's quite a bitWhere abouts in FL?
I'm in Tampa, moved here from Mobile 5 years ago.
Didn't know how good I had it back in Mobile, with great public waters and a good mix of birds.
Havent even bought a license or duck stamp since I moved here.
Shannon welcome aboard.I have a few other boats as well , Ducker etc..
Yes...I still have those sinkbox decoysShannon welcome aboard.
Yer last photo with you, boat, decoys, bag and empty hulls (which I'm sure your picked up) made me Smile. Really like the the "sinkbox decoys" or are my eyes playing tricks on me. Your living the Dream far as I'm concerned. Two Thumbs Way Up.
Best regards
That's my biggest gripe with duck hunting today. Too damn many regulations! The feds keep it simple and consistent. It is the states that feel the need to make things unnecessarily complex. Further down your post I saw you say you thought your days duck hunting were over. I hate to hear that but suspect leaving Mobile isn't the only cause. Trying to hunt a new area with a whole set of complicated rules does not encourage someone to continue their career in a new area. Honestly, I've had my fill of states locking and blocking access. I have no doubt it is a big part of duck hunter numbers declining.I hear yah. I've looked at WMAs with some "ducky" looking spots but trying to interpret FWC rules is like reading Latin.
Shannon,I'm below lake Okeechobee, I hunt the Sta's quite a bit
You know I've seen the hunting in Florida since 1976...hunting gets good , then it gets real bad ..then it resurrected itself to epic levels ..then went bad , I think this is the last time and it's going down for the count ...as tough as it is now ...in 10 years it will be WORSE
I hear there is some good diver hunting in Tampa Bay area , but be cautious it can get VERY DANGEROUS
Currently the florida scene it's trending in a downward spiral ,I'll say a few things, that are guaranteed to be controversial
1) people have more money these days ..the availability of Affordable Watercraft like surface drives , longtails and of course airboats had applied CONSTANT pressure on every body of water that can be legally accessed..what do the birds do ? Like geese who frequent city parks , the ducks adapted and went into other areas where the boats can't get to ..people didn't have all these things in such great numbers 30 years ago , my customers tell me there are plenty of good lakes way up north with no ducks on em because of bass boats etc..
2) there are at least 22 million floridians now ...if there is a lake, or any body of waterfront you can develop...its going under a cycle gentrification where it's now cityscape ...they don't like the "weeds" and spray spray , spray ...the FWC is in on it and spends millions eradicating good suitable waterfowl food and fish habitat...
3) the state FWC has completely "sold out " with the issuance of hunting permits ..they treat it like its another tourist trap and try to bilk every last dollar out of it ...any stupid couch potato with zero ability can access the online permit system , take a permit and not go ...and hundreds of quota permits go up each and every day of the hunting season , because they advertise it to much to idiots
They need to go back to the old ways of issuing replacements like they used too , and like what they do in California with the " sweatline"
I'm getting older and opinionated, I know that , but there are thousands of Florida hunters that are so fed up the way things are run ..I am not the only one that feels this way
If we keep doing what we are doing ...we are going to get ...what we are getting... and I dont see any savior for us on the horizon
If I had the time to learn new areas and drive 2-3 hours, I could probably find decent hunting. It took me 3 years of scouting and hunting 30+ days a season to get in the groove in Mobile. By time my last season there, I knew the areas so well I really didn't even have to scout to have a good hunt.That's my biggest gripe with duck hunting today. Too damn many regulations! The feds keep it simple and consistent. It is the states that feel the need to make things unnecessarily complex. Further down your post I saw you say you thought your days duck hunting were over. I hate to hear that but suspect leaving Mobile isn't the only cause. Trying to hunt a new area with a whole set of complicated rules does not encourage someone to continue their career in a new area. Honestly, I've had my fill of states locking and blocking access. I have no doubt it is a big part of duck hunter numbers declining.