cut and paste making it a "snap shot"....glad to hear that it was only a "couple of people" being ignorant....
I "especially" found the BS about the "Turtles that are there are stupid and need to die so they don't breed and pass their too dumb to go where its safe, tendancies to future generations".......clearly the guy know NOTHING about Turtles in the Mosquito Lagoon and the IRL and BRL eco-systems.......they make up THE LARGEST NURSERY for Green Turtles in the the United States.....Turtles migrate to those locations and stay there until they mature, which can be as long as 30 years, (based on size none of the ones you rescued were "mature" so they were RIGHT WHERE their instincts told them they needed to be).....
Almost as bad was the guy, or maybe it was the same idiot, that said that he didn't attempt to rescue a Turtle that he found tangled in a crabpot line...."let nature takes its course".....HEY DUMBASS what part of NATURE is a man made rope that a turtle has no knowledge of escaping from?..... did a great service for not only the Turtles but all of us who value nature as something more than a duck larder.....
And thanks for the correction....