Flyway Highway

I have never seen it and never will due to the respect I have for the people here who have and the opinions they've expressed. That is good enough for me. I will watch a you tube clip if and when a letter campaign is started so I can be honest about it in the letter.
Don't expect that show to fizzle and go away,,

A good friend of mine who hosts one of the better hunting shows told me that Craigs family owns Lacross Boots and dad had "gave" him the show to keep him away from the family business.
I sent the outdoor channel and email requesting they stop supporting those guys or I will quit watching their channel. I'm more of a hunter than a "hunting show watcher" anyway so it will be no problem for me to browse right over their channel. Those guys need to be off the air and it's about time we starting doing something about it...
some of the same people that have historically said that "its legal and to not support it is wrong because if this goes it all goes" are now on the band wagon to get rid of something related to hunting just because they don't like the way its presented.....aren't they the same......interesting, very interesting......

Before the guys that want the Flyway Highway guys gone make another noose for me let me state I dislike the way they present themselves as well....but then I dislike all of the other "whack em and stack em" videos out there as well, and even more, and you can add the guys that shoot bears with their heads in a 55 gallon drum, or deer over feeders and call it "hunting" as well....that said though I'd much rather watch the two Flyway Highway clowns than the "gangs" of hunters in the shows where there are (8) plus people in the field who loose a volley of a full box of shells into a flock of ducks and then tell each other what great shots they are as cripples limp out of the field, (often accompanies by Mr. Snapp stating "we'll have to watch that one", or "w'll pick that one up on the way out"--yeah right) least they are shooting their own ducks.....

As has been said its all about the money....and yes we could possibly have some impact on the show if we were, in fact, willing to step away from the sponsers....but will Dave never go back into the Sportsmans Warehose he just discovered and lauded so vocally recently? They are, after all, major sponsers. How about all of the people who like Columbia sportswear....gonna quit buying that? Or how about are you going to scrape that DHBP sticker off of your window cause thats the same Steve Blizzard that is a sponser there and who makes our decals for us....

I definately like the idea of voting with our $$$$ but sadly I think the people here are the minority when it comes to what makes "good video" and that the impact on the programming would be negligble.....doesn't mean we shouldn't try its just that I doubt it serves much purpose in the long run........

Can I get the last 10 minutes of my life back????? I just watched the You Tube episode that Jeff linked in...I gotta tell ya that was the dumbist show I've ever seen! My 6 year old kept sneaking over to watch and I had to send him to the other room. I'm sure glad to see there a bunch of ethically minded sportsman out there that object to this ridiculous "entertainment"! This show is the #1 reason I got rid of cable!

Seriously though, how do guys like this get TV shows? If there is so much support for the side of hunting that doesn't glorify killing, why do folks like this keep popping up with huge amounts of support for people like Remington and Lorance.....I just don't get it. I use to shoot Remington of yesterday. I'll be switching brands the next time I buy. I hope someone from Remington is watching this thread.

I'll be honest: I'm a terrible hunter. I see plenty of game but I'm not a very good shot....nor do I shoot very much. I pass on more birds than I shoot at. I really enjoy the mornings and the evenings on the salt. Freezin my butt off, getting stuck in the tidal flats and generally taking in life in the process. I'd rather be carving a decoy than plucking a Black duck. Or teaching my son about the precious nature of life instead of teching him how to take as much life as possible.

Why do A%#holes like the Flyway Highway guys gotta glamorize the part of hunting that is nothing more than the means to the end of a wonderful experience and not the experience itself. To me, killing is only a fraction of a second of the total experience.


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Lucky bastards to have so little bad in their life to get fired up about a TV show like that.

IMO it looks like they need to do some more living and less watching you tube clips.

Lucky bastard to be able to live life without worrying about how others are screwing it up for them.

Ignorance is bliss. Happy wackin and stackin!
Dave, this is not to ruffle your feathers, just pointing out that your post made a couple weeks ago HERE, referenced the main sponsor for Flyway Highway. Like I said, not trying to pi@@ you off, just making sure you were aware.
well i would like to see a show about duck hunting where the hosts are carvers, outdoor writers, call makers, boat makers, or biologists or someone that at least knows something about duck hunting other then "this is my gun and i kill ducks with it". and really i would like to see someone put a video together that showcases the traditions of waterfowling. maybe start off by showing someone building a boat or carving a rig and hunt over hand made gear with old shotguns. its videos like that i think that would get more young hunters into the sport the right way.

i dont think this is a far leap but americans as a culture have made every aspect of life fast easy and compact. now im sure in order for HW FW to get another season they had to have some positive viewer response and the wack and stack and get back to the lodge by 9 attitude is fast and simple and im sure that the majority of the people that watch that show have the same attitude. duck hunting has become another activity that needs to be finished up early so something else can be fitted into the day.

a buddy of mine recently dispatched a hunting partners cell phone with 3.5 BB's after it rang numerous times and after he was requested not to bring it with him into the boat for the third time. he stated "if you think you need to be attached to the so called "real" world that badly dont come into my boat." "this is my time to relax and get away from everything and your cell phone ringing is a major disruption"
btw the boat is equip'd with every radio possible, gps, and some sort of location beacon. cell phone was unessesary.

well i would like to see a show about duck hunting where the hosts are carvers, outdoor writers, call makers, boat makers, or biologists or someone that at least knows something about duck hunting other then "this is my gun and i kill ducks with it".

That one sentence says it all.
guys that make wooden boats, and hunt over wooden decoys, and train their own dogs and believe that hunting is more than killing a limit of birds everytime is because there aren't enough people like that, (call it like the people on this site), to sell the sponsers, to finance the gotta have an audience for those kind of shows to be successful and there simply isn't an audiance of sufficient size for that to be successful...

Look at the only show that is on the air that comes close, DU....mentioned once here and maligned, at least partially by the poster as being elitest and canned......

You gotta have an audience...the people on this site, and the others on other sites who are of like mind, simply don't constitute a market segment that justifies a show.....

Sad but true....

yes very sad and yes very true. but youd think with the influence of du and dw and other organizations they could put together a show like the one nwtf puts on, which i find to be very tasteful and honorable of the tradtions of turkey hunting. (at a loss for the name of it however) they showcase members of there organization from across the country, mexico and canada that have special ties to turkey hunting and have made major contributions to nwtf in volunteer time land and money.

now maybe the du tv is like this i havent seen the show.

guys that make wooden boats, and hunt over wooden decoys, and train their own dogs and believe that hunting is more than killing a limit of birds everytime is because there aren't enough people like that, (call it like the people on this site), to sell the sponsers, to finance the gotta have an audience for those kind of shows to be successful and there simply isn't an audiance of sufficient size for that to be successful...

Look at the only show that is on the air that comes close, DU....mentioned once here and maligned, at least partially by the poster as being elitest and canned......

You gotta have an audience...the people on this site, and the others on other sites who are of like mind, simply don't constitute a market segment that justifies a show.....

Sad but true....

Steve Sad but true indeed. I've gradually come to realize my personal waterfowling ethics are considered "elitist" by the majority of waterfowlers I know or know of. Came to light recently on a discussion and eventual thread on another site regarding shooting birds on the water. I won't allow it in my boats, and was surprised to discover how widespread it apparently is. But it's interesting how one man's elitism is another man's everyday table fare. I only hunt public land, and although I probably make it harder on myself to scratch out a limit by my self-imposed rules, I find it the only conscionable way to hunt. A few years ago I had several lengthy discussions with the producers of DU TV to tape a GE hunt with me, until they discovered that we'd be hunting public land and I couldn't reasonably guarantee that we'd have the place to ourselves and we would get good footage. I understand time is money and they can't go on "wild goose chases", but they are indeed looking for "canned" hunts. At least the Flyway Highway isn't pretending to be anything it's not. Dopey or not.
As a young hunter new to the sport, this show (which i have only seen a youtube clip of) definately portrays duck hunting (or should i say, "duck-slaying") in a negative light. The two hosts remind me of Harold and Kumar or Dumb and Dumber or Beevus and Butthead.

It definately makes me greatful that I have only begun to experience waterfowling in a pure, ethical sense from several guys on this forum. Thank you all, and I will definately keep pursuing my passion for the traditions of the sport.

It makes me want to try to produce a show that shares the essence of waterfowling but steve is right, the audience isn't quite there. Guess we can just keep supporting youth waterfowl hunts and the like to keep our sport going.
but thats not always the case and, in fact, some of the most highly aclaimed shows in their archives were on Public Land.....Hank Garveys' hunts for Eiders, the SeaDuck hunts up here with Mike Wolsky, this year episode on the Columbia with Fred Slyfield......all Public ground and none of those qualified prior to shooting with the "requirement" that there be a "guarunteed" stated you definately see's "some" shows where its "advantage hunters" but given the "nature" of the DU shows, which are very similar to the NWTF shows in "promoting hunting as something more than a limit", its not so pervasive as when you see yet another (8) shooters in a pit at "BLOOD ALLEY" laying down a barrage on the nest artfully called flock of "fed" ducks.....

But there's the rub.....ask people what they think of the DU show and they'll tell ya, "not enough shooting", and "too much other stuff interupting the killin"......yet another example of the fact that the "average" guy doesn't want to see decoys being rig, dogs being worked, boats being built, or rigged, etc. etc....what they want to see is "whacken and stackin".....

Show me a show that does something other than the above and I'll show you a show that won't be renewed the next season......

As usual we're arguing both sides of the same point. I hate the whack 'em and stack 'em shows more than anything. Cetainly more than the waterfowling version of Dumb and Dumber, AKA The Flyway Highway.

I like DU TV more than anything else on TV. But it if weren't for the fact that there are so many DU members, I don't think DU TV would stand a chance as a standalone show. The "public" hunts on DU TV you mention were filmed in areas of very low hunter concentration. Besides it's pretty tough to film a sea duck hunt on private land. Not too much private ocean that I'm aware of. Quite different than public land hunts in the midwest.

No doubt from my experience that they are trying to hedge their bets toward "canned" hunts. But of course they are smart enough to try to present them as anything but "canned" hunts. I don't have a problem with them doing this, and in fact I would do the same thing if it were up to me, other than to point out that it's not representative of the situations most waterfowlers face.

And thus back to your point. Those of us with the utmost "elitist" views make a small minority of the waterfowling public. I don't think that's good or bad, just the way it is. And so it doesn't matter what we think of the Flyway Highway, because we don't represent the target market for it.
I will tell you that DU TV makes every effort to put a good show on TV. I have done 3 TV shows with them and all of it was on public land or public water. Even then you can still have trouble getting just the right spot and a lot of effort goes into scouting and getting the logitics lined up to pull off a hunt. Mark is a volunteer like all the rest of us and has host of the show makes a concerted effort to make sure that the hunt looks right to the viewer. It is not easy to pull off a hunt on camera that does not look staged in some way but I think they go a good job. The Flyway Highway may be trying to put on a quality product but it does not come across that way on TV. I know there are a lot of nice clubs and private land to pull off a show, but if you are Highway Flyway you don't have to act like Dumb and Dumber. The location has nothing to do with with the way that they present themselves to the American public. They could do a much better job in that department. HHG