For Al Hansen

Dick Sargeant

Well-known member
Guys .......Al was scheduled to have a knee replaced, I think today........ and while he may be ticked at me for asking.........let's all send him our best for a speedy recovery so he can keep up with his pack and keep the great images coming !!!
Al - Here's wishing you a complete success with the new knee !
thanks for the heads up. Al get well soon. I am sure you can still get a few hummer shots in the yard, but I love those water photos of Chili in action down the river in the honey hole.

Al, here's to a speedy recovery. Watch yourself around all those pups.
I remember when I severed my achilles tendon and was in a cast, I swear my pups conspired to knock me off balance at least once a day. :>) :>)
Take care and keep that knee joint moving.
Best Paul
Godspeed to you Al for a full& speedy recovery! Keep up with the docs rehab. workout, thats the best & quickest road to gettn back to normal. Best of luck to ya.