Dave Shady Larsen

Well-known member

I was messin around with a lil chunk of hedge the other day with the intention of making
a new call body for the kids contest. here it is.


Smoke Poly 2-reed insert good for a young one to learn on for sure.


Ages 15 years and Under

POST your First Name and AGE (parents can help)

Pick a number between 1 and 1000 (Denise already picked the number and has it written down here)
closest to the number without going over wins the call.

2nd and 3rd places -

I've got a couple of new Buck knives that I'd like to add to your raffle as 2nd and 3rd prizes if that's OK with you.
Just use your same number to pick the winners. Let me know.


One Guess per kid unless you include a photo of you and somekind of hunting gear or better
yet out with mom or dad hunting! Post the photo and get a BONUS GUESS! Thats 2 chances.

Starts Now and Ends on 9-17-2008 at 6pm Central Time

Dave and Gordy

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Tried loading picture, but was unsuccessful. However Cal(10) selects 888 and Kara(5) selects 128.

Thanks again for the kids contest. I know me and my kids sure appreciate your efforts.

BTW - The calls you have made for me, my dad, and my son are fantastic!!!!
Awesome Dave. I love your calls. My seven year old Danny would like 500
My four year old Brendan likes 800
I will post pics tomorow when I'm on my home computer...............Kevin
My Katie, age 4, wants a crack at it this year. Her 1st pick is 100 and her 2nd pick is 108. Thanks Dave, this is a wonderful thing that you do.



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Brynn Hannes(1), who really likes to blow on my Dave Larson call I bought last year chooses 546 and 213. See the picture of her new friend Ducky! She has been carting this decoy around the house this morning.

View attachment brynn.jpg

Brady Hannes (3), who also likes the call I got from Dave chooses 312, and 756. IF he doesn't win I may have to buy another call. Do you make goose calls??? I could use another of them...

Here is a picture of Brady, Dad and Betsy on his first goose hunt in the marsh with Mom, Dad and Grandpa last year when he was nearly three.

View attachment brady.jpg

View attachment brady.jpg
View attachment brynn.jpg
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Jeffrey age 11 picks 375. His second guess is 468. This is him with his first deer.

Kaleb age 9 picks 819. His second guess is 57

Hi guys, I hate to make this my first post but my son wants to enter the Raffle. His name is Max age 10 and he will start goose hunting with me this season, his pick is 555. My other son, Mason is 4 and his favorite # is--now dont laugh--- 69. I dont know why, but he has latched on to it. thanks for having me and I look forword to sharing our goose hunting adventures here with you all.
Dave, This is a wonderful contest you do! My daughter Briana who is 11 years old would like the numbers 24 and 444. My son Nathan is 3 1/2 years old would like numbers 3 and 10... he does not count much higher so his picks are limited, haha.


The family helpin' to sand the boat.

A day in the salt marsh


My litle girl Jayna 1 year old, cant talk or count yet but i gave her a calculator to play with and the first 3 numbers she hit where 6-4-1 so her # is 641
Thanks i hope this counts.
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