Another vote for Joka Pola. Great gloves and liners can be replaced with just about any type of thinner glove. I've had the same pair for years... thinking 10 or more.
Throwing my hat in for [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Joka Polar! I have the gloves and the mittens. Mittens are MUCH warmer and I can fit in a handwarmer if need be.

You suffered a mild case of frostbite.
I am 67 now and can't afford to REALLY get chilled hands because they will not get warmed up.
In my 20s once shore fishing (air in 40s but wind blowing but water just barely above freezing) for lake trout in the spring in the Straits of Mackinaw with bare hands my hands got splashed. My body reacted similar to yours. I involuntarily hunched over and went into dry heaves. I figure the wind supercooled my hands.
I bring about 3 pair of gloves with me duck hunting. Setting, picking up or paddling I have a pair of insulated gauntlets that always keep ands warm but they are impossible to shoot with. I don't find neupremes to be warm enough in sub 32 degree conditions. Mostly I wear so called waterproof gortex gloves but they often soak thru. I have been to the New Bedford MA fisherman supply stores to see what they have for warm rubber gloves but everything they have is orange or red.
I find 8 hour hand warmers to be very useful.