
We had a situation similar to that on the Lewis River. There were a trio of dudes that frequented the meat hole near the hatchery. They'd hog the rocks and leave their trash and fish carcasses and beer cans. It piled up all season long and was mighty foul.

Somehow, somebody recognized the pickup truck they always came in, and one day when they were doing whatever they did when they weren't being dicks and messing up the riverside, somebody loaded it all up and drove it to their place and dumped it on their front yard.

Mounds of mono and cans and dead fish carcasses, cigarette boxes, burrito wrappers and big gulp cups.

Apparently It really pissed them off.

It was a real shame, a real shame indeed.

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That almost looks like boat wreckage, but I bet it isn't. You should call that picture "white trash." Pathetic.
Eric Patterson said:
That almost looks like boat wreckage, but I bet it isn't. You should call that picture "white trash." Pathetic.

From what I could recognize, a cabinet door, a fold-up ironing board, numerous pieces of drywall, wood trim boards and something long and round submerged just below the surface. Might be even more submerged which is not visible. I plan to go back with waders and a garden rake tomorrow to see what I can do about clean up.

I tip my hat to you Dave.

SLOBS, as my late uncle Frank called them, or Dreg Jeeters, as my late hunting partner would say.

They taint us all. We are the ones that pay the price, and do the clean up work.

It's all about how one is raised.
I was in a hunt club in Virginia that had a fiber optic cable right of way on the property. It was hard to access and you had to be very familiar with the local terrain to get to it. One day we found a truckload of asbestos shingles dumped on it. We had no leads on the culprits.

A couple of weeks later one of the members was in a tree stand during the muzzle loading season. He began hearing sounds that he described as a metallic scraping sound. He climbed down out of the stand and investigated. A man and his 25 year old son were using hoes to drag out a load of shingles out of their truck bed onto the earlier pile of shingles. Besides trespassing, and illegal dumping it is also a serious offense to improperly dispose of asbestos.

What was nice was the hunter was also a member of the Virginia State Police. He did not have his pistol with him but he had his smoke pole handy. He got close to them before he identified himself and badged them. He told them they were under arrest and they decided they were not going long with that. Both of them picked up their hoes and bladed up on him. They told him he only had one shot and that there was two of them. He said for them to decide which one he needed to shoot and which one wanted to get a beat down. They decided to surrender.

They got hammered pretty good by the court. It felt pretty sweet to have someone in the right place at the right time to catch a bunch of violators like that.
[size 4] Back a few years, at a ramp back in a slough off the Ohio River that I love to hunt, someone decided it was his private dumping ground for whatever was left of the deer he took after dressing it. Went on for quite a few years in a row. Haven?t seen anything the past few.
Certain it was a local from the area who knew just when he could dump & run.
Best I could do was call it in to the local CO and ask them to be aware that it was happening.
Also not a big fan of the idiots who breast out their ducks or geese and dump the carcasses in the water at the bottom of the ramp.
That's almost as a good a story as the people telling the judge to stop fishing public waters.....
People like that suck.

Game cameras are turning the tide (a little) on crap like this.
State & local DEP's (and game wardens) are starting to set them up at "known" dumping grounds and getting tag numbers, real-time notifications via cell connection, etc..
MLBob Furia said:
Back a few years, at a ramp back in a slough off the Ohio River that I love to hunt, someone decided it was his private dumping ground for whatever was left of the deer he took after dressing it. Went on for quite a few years in a row. Haven?t seen anything the past few.
Certain it was a local from the area who knew just when he could dump & run.
Best I could do was call it in to the local CO and ask them to be aware that it was happening.
Also not a big fan of the idiots who breast out their ducks or geese and dump the carcasses in the water at the bottom of the ramp.

Bob, this "activity" is likely one of the principal vectors of CWD infectious prion spread over the landscape. This year during grouse season I have come across three doe carcasses, all in areas where no doe harvest is allowed...

This is a plot of 32,000 deer kills that occurred in the CWD zone of Wisconsin, stratified by zip code of hunter origin. Envision what percentage of these deer were hauled home whole and the carcasses improperly disposed of after being broken down via processing.

View attachment qdma-cwd-wisconsin-map.jpg
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Is that really what someone drove their to dispose of? Or is that a catch spot for debris in the river that washed up their?
Paul Mc said:
Is that really what someone drove their to dispose of? Or is that a catch spot for debris in the river that washed up their?

As further explanation: Half of what was dumped here was floating, the wall sections, the empty oil bottle, the construction lumber with nails was all floating.
The other half was submerged and sitting on the bottom; the roll of carpet, all the individual pieces of dry wall not nailed to a board, the 50 or so broken pieces of formica or floor tile. These were all sitting on the ramp under the water. The formica or tile was all piled in a central area, like it had been shoved off the tailgate of a truck.

It is physically impossible for all these items having very different buoyancy, to collect here overnight unless they were dumped here. There is no question that this remodeling waste was illegally dumped right here on the spot , the only question is who did this?
That's so hard to understand. You would think they'd dump it behind the supermarket or industrial park or something......Ridiculous. My friend had a huge clam boat in his yard. He had some trash guys come and take the engine and tanks. And he chainsawed a piece of it off every week, twice a week for the garbage men. It took about 6 months but they took every single scrap in was neat to watch.