Had to say goodby to Cody yesterday.

John Robinson

Well-known member
This is a picture of Cody on his last duck hunt at the age of twelve. We had to put him down yesterday at age 13 1/2, but he had a wonderful life right through yesterday.


He has had pretty bad arthritis for a couple of years, was totally deaf in the left ear and not to good in the right, he could still see, but not great, in other words he was an old dog who had pushed himself very hard doing what he loved to do. The last year he was our "front seat dog" on trips or even around town, I took him to work with me, where he would just sleep under my desk, he slept at the foot of the bed every night including his last night. He was a dog very set routines, there was no sleeping in past his usual time, he got up at a certain time, went outside, back inside it was breakfast time, then we went to work, ect...

Yesterday was like any other day. As a matter of fact, I called my wife in the afternoon because I had stopped by an empty field to air Cody and Yoda after a meeting with a client in town and Cody was so animated running around, checking everything out, it was like he was two years younger. Then he came back to the truck and plopped his big front paws up on the tailgate asking for a lift into the truck. After that we went back to the office where both dogs napped while I worked. Then Cody was making a commotion frantically pawing with his front paws trying to get up. I calmed him down and he was able to get up go outside to poop then back inside, up and down three steps. A little later he did the same thing and I knew he was dying. I rushed him to the vet, front seat with his head on my lap and my wife met us there. Cody was still comfortable but after a little testing and an xray we found a tumor had burst in his abdomen and he was bleeding out. The vet sedated him and we said our goodbys as we petted him, then the vet put him to sleep one final time.

I like to think of him up there with his best buddy Kimo who passed a few years ago, both dogs checking out the local hunting spots waiting for Dad and his model 12.

This hits close to my own heart. Was Cody out of Kimo? The ligtening of the facial hair is the same on Cassie. I know for a fact Cody had a great life, as good as it gets. You are a wonderful owner who treats your Goldens like kids and keep them with you all the time, in the field or at home. More retrievers should have the life Cody did. My heart goes out to you. Cry your head off, I would, and know Cody loved and served you with everthing he had in him. A special dog.
We know they wont be with us for long,and we give them the care and love we would give to our children.They give it back ten fold.John,you have given your best of care.Cody will be waiting for his hunting buddy,across the bridge.
That's a a proud looking dog at 12 years old. Gods speed Cody. As it's been said "All dogs go to heaven". Your family and Cody will be in our prayers.

Ed L.
Good bye Cody, chin up John. Know that everyone here grieves with you and feels your pain. Thoughts and prayers are on their way. Fine looking dog that I'm sure has provided you with many good memories.
Makes me sad to hear of your loss. Had an almost identical experience with my last dog Heidi on her last day. Still affected by it even after several years. Chin up, your life was enriched by Cody and your memories of him will stay with you forever.


So sorry you had to put Cody down, but you gave him a great life doing what he loved to do. Always a tough thing for the entire family to go through .
My condolences to you, and to all the good friends whom Cody had to leave. The good memories will sustain you.

Brian F.

So sorry to hear that , I feel your pain and my thoughts are with you and your family .

Dave M
Goldens have that magic in them that always makes me grin. Sorry for your loss John. Your description of Cody and his noble posture in the pic reminded me of our Jack. He passed 2 winters ago when we put him down. He had a hard life until he came into ours. The guy who had him before us chained him to a tree for many years and he was completely neglected except for basic nourishment. I found him in my buddy's yard sniffing at his kenneled Chessie in heat. No collar and filthy, but even then very calm and dignified. I took him home and cleaned him up. I called the dog catcher to see if anyone was missing a Golden and got no leeds. So, I took him in for good. About a year later an acquaintance of mine stopped by and seen him in our house. He said that his friend lost a Golden the past year from his yard. So I called the guy and he came over. He looked at our "Jack" and called him "Buddy". Maybe it was me but you could see the fear in Jack's eyes. This guy said that the dog "was" his, but knew that he was in good hands now. He didn't know that Jack wasn't going with him regardless! Jack never hunted for me. At the time I wasn't doing any hunting and besides he was content being a house dog. He had a best friend in our Lab and was a great family pet. Got up for work one morning and went to let the dogs out to do their business and he wouldn't get up off hid side. Called him and then gave him a nudge, but he just looked up at me with sad eyes. I knew something was very wrong. I carried all 91lbs of him out and laid him in the grass and called our Vet's emergency #. She met us at her office and told us that Jack had a massive stroke and needed to be put down. We had him for 5yrs by then and he was a part of our family. Thanks John for stirring up some great memories of a great dog. I'm sure your Cody was a wonderful dog and that he will be greatly missed. There's a tribute section of this site that Cody could be memorilized in.... seems appropriate to me.
Best, Mike
John, I am so sorry for your loss. Just went through it myself in Oct andf it is never easy. Cody will be running with Jack, Bailey, Walker, Corey,Gunner, Bridget and Hunter. They will all be waiting for us.

So sorry for your loss. I have tears in my eyes as I read about Cody. I wish I had the words that could ease your pain, but we all know they don't exist.

Someday I hope you will find comfort in the fact that you gave Cody a great life which he repaid with his love and devotion, and that when the time came, you were there to stop his pain and suffering.

As others have said , he is now on the other side of the rainbow bridge frollicking with the other great dogs who have gone ahead. They will show him the best spots to find the morning sun, cool water spings , sweet grass fields in which to run and the best places to chase the wild birds.

Go on now Cody, you've earned the rest. Go on now , "hunt em' up"

Dave B