Holy Snot-Sickles Batman!


Well-known member
Well the cold air some here were hoping for to give one final push to the ducks this season has oozed it's way out of Canada and into the mid-west. I'm sure many of us in this part of the country feel sorry for those down south who are now seeing a few flakes of snow and maybe a crust of ice on the edges of ponds.
Hit -24 here last night and is still -18 at 11am. The only thing that makes me smile a little is that my nephew in ND is -35 right now. I think I saw they hit -44.
If the ducks don't make it south it isn't our fault this year. I don't think I'll go icefishing today... but better weather is in sight.

What kind of lows did some others hit this morning?

I skied once at Marquette Mtn in Marquette, MI at -44. We had to bribe the lift operator with...well anyway it was college ya know. So, we'd make a run and then have a Guinness at the bar. Make another run and then eat two Guinness. On the third run my eye balls actually froze like a perch on the ice and I don't remember much after that except there was lots of Guinness involved.
-15 here last night...about -2 right now and sunny. We are supposed to have 20-30mph gusts tonight and tomorrow. I hate wind.
Lots of schools were cancelled today. School buses not known for there warmth are ice boxes on days like this. Not a duck to be seen (; )
Well the cold air some here were hoping for to give one final push to the ducks this season has oozed it's way out of Canada and into the mid-west. I'm sure many of us in this part of the country feel sorry for those down south who are now seeing a few flakes of snow and maybe a crust of ice on the edges of ponds.
Hit -24 here last night and is still -18 at 11am. The only thing that makes me smile a little is that my nephew in ND is -35 right now. I think I saw they hit -44.
If the ducks don't make it south it isn't our fault this year. I don't think I'll go icefishing today... but better weather is in sight.

What kind of lows did some others hit this morning?


It is supposed to be 2 here tonight along the coast (colder inland) and highs in the teens. That is cold for around here.
Tim, It went down to 18 here in Delaware on wend. nite it's supposed to get colder for the next couple days with snow flurries.Goose hunting's been good but the ducking is poor .This cold snap might push some ducks down our -way. So far my total kills are 5- geese &10 ducks. I could easely up the total on geese, what I really would like are some nice fat mallards, but thats why the call it HUNTING I suppose. CAS
It was a balmy minus 23 degrees when I came to work today. :>) Sure glad I don't have an outside job anymore. I do miss an outside job at times,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, just not right now.
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Expected to be down to -22 by Friday morning. School's closed today and probably tomorrow too.

Glad I have heated seat in the truck - it's been on 'high' the past couple of days.

And here I was trying to forget what real winter used to be like when I was a kid.
-29 in Brookings this morning....two hour late start at the schools. We have had pheasants hanging around our bird feeder everyday since winter settled in. We live in town so they are having to fly across a busy city street to get to our yard. I have heard from other folks who feed birds in the city limits that the pheasants have been scratching around their feeders as well.
-17 this morning at my place. Dave Shady must be thawing pipes. I heard it was -34 where he lives. That's only an hour north of me. What a difference a few miles make.

Ed L.
There are times when the skeeters are horrendus and it's almost too hot and stuffy to breathe that I envy you boys from the colder climates, but not right now. Just checked my anti freeze and it's good to -26 degrees F. Coldest this AM was 27 and it's supposed to get down to 14 tomorrow just before dawn. Hope I can find someone to go hunting with me Friday or Saturday as most of the creeks and swamps will be frozen over and the birds will have to go to bigger open water. Best puddle duck day I ever had was with most everything frozen up. Shot 2 gaddies 2 mallards and 2 teal within 15 minutes of legal shooting time. Got home shivering but happy. I've read that putting blue fabric dye on the ice and placing decoys on your fake pond can be successful up Nawth.

Sorry Ya'll are going through such a major freeze.

Best Wishes,

Does the fact that you were heading South when you took the picture hold any kind of significance?

Nope, the truck was just facing south when I parked it to come into the office this morning although now that you mention it, I wish I was heading south. On the way to work it showed -25 but I couldn't very well take a pic while driving. I'm not like these kids these days that can multi task while driving. Just keeping the truck on the road is hard enough at times.

Mark W
This is how I know when I'm really having fun:

This ain't bad either:

Yeah, the water in this area wouldn't know what to do if it was -44 outside... Harry, I am heading to open water on Saturday morning, and I hope you are right. It may take us a bit to get out there, but we'll get there.