Holy Snot-Sickles Batman!


This particular photo was taken on my last hunt of 2007. I remember a hunt a few years before that was much colder. After loading the boat onto the trailer my waders froze up really really solid. So stiff I could not get them off my legs and feet. I had to sit in the truck with the heater going for a few minutes to thaw them out so I could remove them. Still all fun tho, guess it helps to be just a shade on the crazy side.
My son and I went hunting this morning. Jackets, gloves. long underware for Austin, fired up some handwarmers before we left the house... after all... it was 57 degrees at the ramp in the Everglades.
Seeing all these cold related stories, I am reminded what my friend Peter Boettger says "You have to be tough to be stupid" Of course I should also quote Ron White, "You can't fix stupid".

Guess we are all a little Crazy,

Bottomed out at 34 this morning, forecasted to be 22 in the morning with a high of only 46.
Damn cold, don't y'all think??? :)

Actually our average high/low in January is like 60/44, so this is actually below normal for us.
But not sure I'm going to get any sympathy!
It was -4 at my brothers place in northeast PA this morning.
[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Bottomed out at 34 this morning, forecasted to be 22 in the morning with a high of only 46. [/font]


Appreciate the info but I think you may have posted it in the wrong thread. This thread is about cold.

A few days ago I went out to pretend to shovel snow at -40C and had major trophy beard frost going on. We've been around -30C for three weeks straight. Then it started warming up and its been melting the last two days! Supposed to be +9C and raining on Sat. Mac's got no school tomorrow and him and his little buddies are headed to the local ski hill to have some fun. He'll be soaked and loving it I bet.

I think the little chirpy birds appreciate a break from the cold. I know I do.

It's Kinda hard to explain..

Last couple of weeks -30 - -45 F straight Temp, not chill.

Tonight up in the Hills + 45 F. The roads are BAD.

It's only for awhile, frost is gone from around all the windows, Diesel started without being pluged in all day. Swept the chimineys last night in a light coat.

Gotta love the Cold! It keeps the Riffraff out of Alaska...
[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]While not quite as cold as Fairbanks AK or Whitehorse Yukon, it was minus 34F here in NE Iowa this morning. The high temp in the last 24 hours was minus18F.

Gotta love the Cold! It keeps the Riffraff out of Alaska...

and yet, you are still there............. hummmmmmmm?????? :>) :>)
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A brisk 14 degrees currently here in Chapel Hill, and looking for a high of 30 today. Well below average for this area. on the bright side, this may set up some of the best hunting we've had in the area if the smaller bodies if water freeze up. everyone be safe, R.Bell
Global warming? Where are you Al Gore when we need you? -3 here this morning and just looked at the thermometer....1.6 above. Yippee!
We all should have tossed in and bought some Orange juice futures. I sneezed myself awake yesterday morning about 4 am and my frikken nose has been non stop dripping ever since. It was -15 out all morning and I was wishing it would freeze the drips...my nose is RAW from blowing it. Had a CT scan this morning and it was all I could do to keep from drowning in my own snot.
... Had a CT scan this morning and it was all I could do to keep from drowning in my own snot.

Checking to see if anythig is really in there Lee? Seeing if it has shrunk? Just giving you some crap.

-26F this morning and it was windy. I feel like one of those holylwood types who has had too much plastic surgery and my face ha d a frozen expression on it.

Suppose to have an outside hockey game this evening but I'm thinking it better really warm up. Not that I am a wuss but it really is too cold for the kids to be outside sweating in hockey garb.

Mark W

If you've had your cold for more than a week it might have turned into a sinus infection. In that case call your Doc and ask for a Z-Pak (several days of antibiotics). Several of my buddies swear by it.
Had some tests last week at the hospital and think I picked up something there that incubated till yesterday morning. The only time I ever get sick is AFTER going to the Drs office. Hadn't been in so long that they couldn't find my files.
Mark, my wife requested the scan since the x ray didn't show anything in there.