How to go cross-eyed in the shop....

They are beautiful, you have an amazing talent. As one with no talents what-so-ever, I know you have talent.
Bob, do you ever get tired of hearing how amazing your work looks? I see you are making the best of your down time, keep it up.

I'm hoping your vision comes back straight ;0)
Amazing as always Bob. Very nice. How's that painting shed coming? Prolly to cold to get much done on it until the Spring eh?
You make me sick!!!!! No one single person should be blessed with so much talent!!! Beautiful work, you must have the patience of a saint.
hey Bob, are you going to start making individual feathers and gluing them to a body? you could always drill out holes for each also---
I recall Gil Maggioni dealing with individual feathers on some of his stuff, eons ago--
Excuse me for a minute fellas. I just had this overwelming urge to go throw all my carvings into the woods.....again.