I thank all of you for your prayers and support

Gary March

Well-known member
Suzanne March 2/27/1948 thru 1/03/2012

As I write this my heart is heavy and full of sadness. My wife, lost her 18 month battle with Liver cancer. Suzanne died in my arms at 3:45 yesterday afternoon. My walk through this dark time was supported by so many friends on this site. To say Thank You would be an understatement. The prayers and encouragement that we recieved was such a blessing. I have had guilt for my lack of contribution to this site for the long 18 months. My heart was not ducks ,dogs, and decoys. "It was family". As I find strength to photograph and write again posting pictures. I will be back in the marsh doing what I have always loved. And hopefully I can repay my debt to all the great people on this site that helped me get through this.

Gary March



My sincere condolensces. I can't imagine the pain that must be felt by you following the loss of your wife. Please know that her suffering and pain are gone and that she waits for you in a much better place. Find the strength in your friends, family, faith, and yourself to move past this moment in your life. Every memeory good and bad is designed to build us into who we are. You and your family are in my prayers.

Dave Church
Gary, my heart is heavy to receive the news, I am sorry to hear of Suzanne's passing.

You don't owe us anything, but you have always been part of the family here and will continue to be so.................my sympathies, Jode
I'll be praying for you now just as I have been for the last 18 months or so. I know you to be a believer Gary and pray that your wife was as well. If she was, then remember her prayers have been answered and yours will be too! Again, I'll continue to pray for your families peace.

I've been down this Cancer rollercoaster many times with family but have no idea what it is to loose a wife.
My prayers will continue to be with you and know in the end we have nothing left but Gods Grace.
May God bless you, John
Gary - I am so sorry. This breaks our hearts too. I appreciate your love for her and take comfort in knowing she is with the Lord. He will take care of her until you reunite. I will continue to pray for you and your family during this time.

Philippians 4:7 - And make the peace that transcends all understanding be with you in Christ Jesus.

We are with you in thought and Spirit Brother! Pat

I am so sorry for your loss. I had no idea that you and she were in the midst of a cancer battle. My thoughts are with you.
There are no words to take away your pain or to bring your sweetheart back, but hopefully in time you will see this as a long vacation until you can be reunited with your other half. You are in our prayers and as has been spoken...you owe no one anything for you have been an example to all as to what is most important in life...that being family! Thank you for your faithfulness.

I truely feel for you and your loss, but take solace in the fact that her battle and struggle is over. My continued thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you cope with this great loss.

Best wishes
So very sorry to hear of your loss. My times to get closest to God is when I'm sitting in some pristine place. It's in these places that I pray and reflect. I'm sure you have those kind of places and do the same as well. Those places and one-on-one times with God do help me deal with the day to day trials and tribulations of life.

My sincerest condolences at your loss. Allow your family and friends to help you thru the times to come...it helps them as it helps you.

I am praying for peace and comfort for all of you. God bless her soul.

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. You have been such a good friend to this site and it's participants. I know many people will be saddened by your news. We will all be thinking of you and your family during this difficult time.

Eric Patterson

So very sorry for your loss. Tough as it must have been, it is fitting that you two were together right up till the end. My prayers are with you. May God give you strength in these times.
Dear Brother Gary,

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Knowing Suzanne, it was always so very obvious of her love for our Lord, and for her family. Heaven is a better place, now that she is there.

You both are so very dear. I pray that our merciful Lord brings you peace in the knowing that she is with Him. Someday, so shall you be.

God Bless you and your lovely family,
