Installed Dri-Dek flooring in BBIII

charlie foulds

Well-known member
I ordered Dri- Dek flooring and installed it in the BBIII today between NorEasters. It is designed to protect the floor and should do a great job of it. I was wondering if anybody had any ideas on painting it,prep and such. I am still waiting for my inspection for a hull ID # so that I can register her and get her wet. That should happen this week.




That boat looks to Pretty to be a duck hunting rig.
That plastic does not look like it will take paint all that well, hope I am wrong.
Why did you not go to home depot and get the rubber mats with the holes in them?
Are you going to bolt that engine to the transom?
Charlie, MY-T-FINE!!!!!!!!!!!! Cant wait to see it in the water,Ive just about have all the bugs worked out on mine,I had to go a 4 blade prop for the mercury.It made a tremendous differance, We have our youth hunt on the 31st and the 1st,looking forward to getting it out and seeing my 8year old shoot,I hope your paperwork gets done shortly,Great job!!! Brian Rippelmeyer

You have done an incredible job - what a beautiful ship! Keep us posted on how she sails... and of course, how the hunting from her goes...

Charlie, every update makes your boat that much nicer. What a fantastic job you have done. Ever think of installing a bigger tent outback and making a few on the side......I think everyone really likes your work!

Bill V
Looks awesome Charlie!!! I would not bother painting it. Just keep some fast grass panels in the boat, on the floor and such. Great work.......................Kevin
Thanks Guys, waiting for my inspection is killin me.!!! A question for the local guys. When do you harvest your salt hay for grassing?? It still seems kind of green to me.
I harvested spartina with pruning shears. Initially, I wove it in and out of poultry wire. Later, I just tied it on with zip ties. The weaving method is far more durable and way more work.
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We buy our decking from turtle plastics here at work, it's called turtle tile. It comes in lots of colors including black. Im not sure if you can paint it or not, never tried. Here is a link if anyone wants to look at it, im not sure if you can buy it direct from them or not, we get ours from a local dealer.
Charlie, looks like a great boat.

One thing I have had problems with in the past in that white bilge pump hose. I had them get cracked over the years, I finally now only use heavy black rubber hose that would have to really be abused to crack/split. I have had the bilge just pump it half back into the boat since it was so bad.

Just something to think about.

Otherwise, love the mats, good luck on inspection.
That plastic does not look like it will take paint all that well, hope I am wrong.
Why did you not go to home depot and get the rubber mats with the holes in them?
No need to paint. Looks great, and the ducks will be laying on it when they see it anyway. One of those "Home Despot" mats weighs about 3X what a whole boatful of Dri-Deck does. Charlie, Have had my tiles in the TDB since '96. Great stuff; + has held up very well. Tell us where you purchased yours. Can be pricey.
hi charlie, your boat has to be one of the nicest builds ive seen on here. with quick math, that tile floor looks like might have run $350! just a random idea as i dont have any experience with this product. what about trying to dye the tiles with some sort of dye. trappers dye or maybe even fabric dye if it can take the heat. could change the color from a green to a darker brown or drab. just a thought. i dyed some orange rubber powerline insulator tubing that i used to cover my gunnels. worked pretty good. best, mark
Mark, I used 38 tiles for the floor,and it was no where near 350. Thanks for the suggestions. I used a plastic primer and FME #28....came out great.