January "What's on your Workbench?"

was able to get them painted in gunner style


Finished and delivered this this morning. Good to have a project done. Never made anything like this before, even with the router there was alot of hand / chisel work


Andrew that is cool and big.
I saw a show a few years ago about some gold prospectors in Chicken, they were a lot smarter then those idiots on that new Gold Rush show.

Finished and delivered this this morning.

So did you have the privilage of delivering it on location in Chicken AK. ? If so, we want some scenery pics..

I was up there last Sept for gold mining and caribou hunting, got some gold and only saw caribou the first day, two days before season opened. I has some scenery shots I will post later.
Can I am working on. Was gonna wait and finish him in oils, but he found a new home and needs to head out the door next week, so I broke the plastics back out. Got him blocked in last night, gonna try and finish him this weekend.

Really, really like that Barrow's Sean. It reminds of two drake commons I saw standing on a rock on a local lake last summer, if I was a painter that scene would be on canvas. Great job!
finished up two retirement gifts for close friends. Helluva time to try tube oils and full body texturing for the first time. I learned a little but have a long way to go to get the look I'd like and the smooth lines of many of the wonderful carvers on this site. This is probably my first and last drake gadwall. Also did drake canvasback.



Due to the persistent hip problem, and since it is getting close to the end of a lost season, for me, i decided to get into some of my surviving stash of wiley cork, especially, the older two inch stuff--Using gorilla as the adhesive, i have managed to put together an eclectic group of stool, some of which appeared last week at toms river.
As of now, the gorilla really makes for a super tight seam, and the pair i am about to embark upon this week will NOT be gacced--It is my intention to get back to the time when sealers were unnecessary, so what better cork to deal with? They will be based in blackish brown--These may surface at oc, but at any rate, will be new additions to personal rig, I cannot justify charging others an outrageous price for decoys made from such a scarce commodity, so, you may have to wait until the yard sale upon my demise!
Not exactly on the bench but close enough. A little over 1000 bd ft of gulf coast tupelo, 2" to 6" thick and up to 12" by 48" width and length, stacked in the shop and ready to go. I have plenty if any of you guys need some. It would take me two lifetimes at the rate I'm going to get a foredom in all this.

