June - Whats on your workbench?

Thanks guys beginners luck and a good teacher....Thats awesome Jode. mine looks like kindling next to that...lol.

Boy, Steve, I am starting to feel sorry for any ducks that see Slick Willie. They are goners for sure.
Thanks, Al~

Something else liked that corker, too - maybe a 'coon? I left it outside last night after drying in the sun. This morning, I discovered a few little nibbles had been "removed" from its tail. Luckily, the pieces must have been unpalatable and I had just enough epoxy left over from the project below to effect an emergency repair and reattach the pieces.

Maybe this carving (carpentry?) should be NDR - but it sure has been "on my bench" all week - easily my largest "decoy" so far....I am guessing it weighs more than 40 pounds.

Although the crest and the NBC logo are missing, this is in fact a (very stylized) Peacock.

I cobbled together numerous (26?) pieces of decoy pine and some 3/8" AC plywood to make this "master". It will be used to mold a couple dozen vacuum-formed plastic birds for a fundraiser in a nearby city. Individual artists will "decorate" each one.


You can tell from the mid-line seam that it will be disassembled (and maybe even sawn into smaller shapes) for the vacuum-forming process.


The tail section is just tacked on here for photo purposes.


This gives you a sense of scale. The body is life-size but the tail - at 36" h x 42" w - is a mere suggestion of the real thing.


This is the first time I've used a Sawzall and an electric plane on a "decoy"....so much for my "Old School" credentials.....

All the best,

Jeff Thanks.

Brandon Thank you. Yep, this has been "on the bench" for better part of several months. Glad to have it "off" the bench LOL!

Tod, Glad you like it, Thanks for the comments.

Dave, it's all about keeping at it. You've come a long way since your first blocks. Keep it up!
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That peacock is awesome!! I have lived in a few cities that did something similar. I remember painted pigs, dogs, and cows spread out all over the city to raise money for a charity. It was really neat to see all of the various paint jobs each of the animals got.

I am somewhere in the process of building/designing the workshop that I can better express the creative side of me. I recently got plans approved for a 16x24 workshop in my backyard. Not big enough, but it will certainly be much better than the less than one car garage I have now. Can't wait to start. I have so many of you guys to look up to in these crafts of ours.

Chad A
some nude shots


definite workbench birds on these two, that is where they are not with epoxy curing.
Really Tom? A Merganser? I think you have too much contact with that guy from the frozen tundra of Michigan. That being said, I'm excited to see your paint on it.

some sleepers for the front of the layout rig. Hope to have a bunch by the season. cedar construction and oils
Bob, I too love the paint on those bills. The combing and speculum look great. Is there a little Baumgartner influence in the tail carving?

Pat, you're a machine.