Just need some prayers

They just admitted my 6 yr old (Jack) to the hospital for unknown reasons and the waiting is something I am not good at. He hasn't been feeling bad but not really great either. I come here through out the day to take a step back from the hustle and bustle and I can't thank you guys enough. Please just keep my boy in your prayers. I know how great prayer can work. Thanks again


Neil, there is nothing in this world that is quite so frustrating and that is waiting and wondering especially when it one of your youngsters. Our thoughts and prayers are with Jack, you, and the rest of your family. Modern medicine is like a miracle now days and my wife and I will hope and pray that your young son will be all right. Have faith in the medical staff and lean on God for His peace, comfort and support.

I took some time to look through one of my prayer books and found this one from Services for Occasions of Pastoral Care.

For parents of a sick child:

Merciful God, enfold Jack in the arms of your love.
Comfort his parents in their anxiety.
Deliver them from despair,
give them patience to endure,
and guide them to choose wisely for their son,
in the name of him who welcomed little children,
even Jesus Christ our Lord.

Of course, my own words of prayer for you, Jack, and the rest of your family go to God as well.

Grace and peace.

David Palmer
Thank you everyone for the thoughts and prayers for Jack and the family. He has been released from the hospital and you can tell that he is a different boy from when he went in. They ran all kinds of tests and everything came back negative. Their synopsis was that he must have had some kind of flu-like illness that had dehydrated him severally. After a few bags of fluids and numerous tests they have given him the a-ok. Under a watchful eye he will return back to his everyday life. Thank you guys so much for the prayers. It works. Prayers of thankfulness will be coming all of your guys ways.


Glad to hear he's coming around and that the doctors don't think it's anything serious.
Neil;I'm very happy to hear your son is well,prayers are a powerfull thing,and most of all Our children are the biggest gift that God has givin us all.Spend as much time that you can with him,for they grow up so fast and soon they will start their own family.