Jim, that's what I do. In some situations, I've had my dog and his blind as much as 25-30 yards behind the layout blinds and hunters. I think his field of view is much better and he is less inclined to spook birds with head movement while watching birds work. Kane is only 84 lbs. in working condition, but I can't imagine him inside of a layout blind with me and the doors closed up and everything. Coming out of the blind to shoot without the dog bumping me is another thing I can't imagine not happening. Makes me think of the folks I see driving with dogs in their laps...lol.I use an Avery ultra low dog hide. My biggest dog can easily be concealed. When using a layout blind my dog (in the hide) is either right behind me or in certain situations placed remotely. It is safer placed in back, off to the side or remotely.
Capt Jack, Gets kind of tight with two in the blind. Rich
I hunt with my 70lb chocolate lab Bryant in my layout, which doesn't have a bottom hatch, which means he has to exit from the top. Every third retrieve or so, he somehow he manages to launch squarely off my giblets with both feet. The good news it that at that point I'm reloading anyway...so I have a minute or two to catch my breath.
By the way, if you do decide to go with a separate dog blind, let me know. I have a Mutt Hutt 2 that was used twice sitting in my basement somewhere.