LI Decoy Collectors Show - Saturday, March 7, Hauppauge

What a great show and the video is an awesome documentary! Wonderful work! Great to see so many old friends.
Thank you very much!

Great show, the display that Steve, Craig and their helpers did was well done... A lot of collectors from out of state. The show was well attended...
Rich et al~

Today is a decompression day - after the year-long journey and especially the "sprint" over the last 8 or 9 weeks. I will do a more thorough post in a couple of days. Among many other last-minute details, Craig Kessler and I were forced to learn a bit more about the 3 monitors we had running - one trip to a Staples for an HDMI cord Friday night - and ANOTHER trip for ANOTHER HDMI cord during the Show Saturday morning (many thanks to Pete Johnston!). We could not begin to relax until we had recognized our "movie stars" around 11:00 AM - actually a bit later because our eldest statesman - 90-year-old Preston Raynor - arrived fashionably late. But, all went even better than planned and was very well-received.

Our DVD sold out by 1:00 and we already have orders for 50 more. Another batch of 100 will be produced this week.

BTW: Here is the drill for anyone who wants one or more When the Broadbill was King on Great South Bay DVDs:

1. Mail a PERSONAL CHECK to STEVE SANFORD (with LIDCA DVD on the memo line)

Steve Sanford
160 Gannon Road
Buskirk, NY 12028

2. Price is $20 for first copy plus $10 each for any additional copies (this is a great "prize" for any club functions)

3. Please be sure to include YOUR MAILING ADDRESS

Here is a Broadbill's eye view of our display - just after we started breaking it down at the end of the day. The Dodge & Krowl Scooter (early 1900s) is in the foreground. Owner Brandt Rising brought a small monitor with great footage of his "mother ship" RETRIEVER breaking ice. One perspective - with the cameraman hanging over the bow - showed the ice buckling beneath the hull as it moved inexorably forward. We had 2 other monitors as part of the exhibit, one showing the movie and the other showing the 300+ slides all day long. We also had our largest monitor playing the slides all day up at the food concession.


The 8-foot bay chart was the focal point of the exhibit. I will give lots more detail in my future post (and I will be putting all of the narrative on my own website) - but it showed the 50 "big rigs" we knew of between 1935 and 1985 and also gave detailed accounts of about a dozen of them just below the chart. The monitor on the left shows Schuyler Watts at the beginning of the movie. And, we had close to 50 gunning decoys from the era on the tables - along with "assorted paraphernalia".

I saw dozens and dozens of old friends and observed everybody enjoying each other's company. I really enjoyed meeting several members whom I had only "known" electronically beforehand. Not surprisingly, they were each as fine as we would expect.

Although the "average" attendee tended toward grey hair - and lots of grey beards - there was some young blood around. This is duckboats-member Tom Russo's crew aboard the Horal Scooter:


Stay tuned!

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Hi, Paul~

DVD details are in my post today - just mail me a personal check ($20 for first DVD, plus $10 for each additional) and your mailing address:

Steve Sanford
160 Gannon Road
Buskirk, NY 12028

All the best,


It was great to see you and those "shy and retiring" boys of yours - and Uncle Jim, too! (see photos in my post)

And, I am very glad you enjoyed the documentary - and I am guessing the boys did not hang on every word for all 87 minutes!

All the best,

Truly a remarkable display. I may have to order one of those DVDs but will be sure to send a bank draft with real money, not a Canadian personal check. :)
It was nice to see the movie stars in person AKA duck hunter. You and your team put a lot of work into the presentation and it showed.
I really liked the map showing where the boats and Captains were located.
Steve and company, great show and great DVD -- well worth the ten plus hour round trip from Virginia for our crew! Looking forward to the next event -- whatever you guys come up with, I am sure it will be outstanding! All the best, Rufus Brinn
Great stuff Steve! I appreciate all you do to keep the Long Island Heritage alive! Great traditions, great people... Pat
- I am guessing the boys did not hang on every word for all 87 minutes!

It will be a classic in our house and I'll make sure they watch it at least as often as Frozen!


I really enjoy this show. I used to take a table. Mostly to trade, as I left with more decoys then I came with. I had to wrestle a car engine with my brother. Took all day and I missed the show.

The show and the display was great, and you guys out did yourselves. If you could can you send me a PM with the name of the guy with the cork. I would love to come up sometime and just sit and talk decoys and hunting. Great job.