Little Guy's First Hunt

Being a fairly new father certainly has many high points...and I wanted to share one with you guys.

I have a 5-year-old daughter named Paige who has been "mildly interested" in hunting, but is more concerned about being a princesss. Frankie, our 3-year-old boy, however, is eaten up with it. I have to tell him hunting stories at bed time and take pictures of everything we do in the field to show him when we return. Before each duck hunt, I ask him what kind of duck he wants me to bring back for him. His requests range from "greenhead mallard," to "bluebill," to "goldeneye" (which is a tough one around here). Talk about pressure to shoot straight...have you ever had to look a 3-year-old in the eye and tell him that you missed his duck?

Recently, he's been begging be to take him with me. My wife and I were concerned that he's still a bit young, but decided that he could do a land hunt. When I had an opportunity to do an evening goose hunt at my buddy's farm last week, I grabbed Frankie, my brother Mark, and my Dad, and we headed out. Armed with his toy shotgun, his carhartts, my old duck calls, and a thermos full of hot chocolate, he was mission-oriented...and giddy.

We only managed one goose, but with Frankie and my dad there (that's 3 generations of Frank Gostomskis for those of you counting), it turned out to be the best bird of our season so far. It was my first opportunity to do for my son and father what my father had done for us. Frankie (as well as both other Franks and Uncle Mark) had a blast.

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The only thing he isn't fond of is loud noises, so he puts his "ear muffins" on any time we have birds working. He's actually better trained than the dog.....

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I don't post here often, but I've had enough interaction on duckboats to know that if ever there was a group of guys who could understand what I'm feeling as a father and as a duck hunter this week, I would find them here. As I contemplate what this means to me (on his first hunt as a simple observer at age 3), I really start to feel the pressure I'm under to foster in him the right perspectives on nature, his future role as a hunter and conservationist, and our roles as representative Christian outdoorsmen.

Thanks for bearing with a sentimental father during this holiest of times. Merry Christmas to the duckboats community, and may you all have a safe end to another great season that's been given to us.

What a great start to what will be a good future with your hunting buddy.... Thanks for sharing, enjoyed the pictures and story! Merry Christmas!

Thats great. Start them out young and they will have a jump on doing things right when the time comes to set them off on their own.
Keep up the good work. I have two out of three daughters shooting. My daughter Courtney is home from college for Christmas and I think I was more excited about her coming home to hunt than she was. Nothing beats sharing the outdoors with your kids.
Merry Christmas
Great post and pictures!
Some of my favorite memories are from dragging my kids along! The picture of the hunt on my avatar thing is from when one son was 8 and the other was 4.
Merry Christmas!
Frank, I love the picture with the decoys....I also had my 9 year old daughter Grace out yesterday for the first time...she had a ball...especially when I let her drive with the tiller extension while standing up and holding on to the dodger...these are the times our kids never forget
Hey Frank, how you been?

I don't post here often...

It's not the quantity but the quality. Great post, as I've come to expect when I see one with your name attached (there, now you have a reputation to uphold!)

A wonderful post, Frank. Those pictures say it all. I hope I live long enough to see that young lad with a gun and a brace of ducks in his hands.
Great story. There's nothing better than being out there with your family. I have 3 boys and enjoy every hunt with them. We always come home with memories.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Great post - and congratulations on a fine family!

I first accompanied my Dad when I was 4. I remember vividly sitting still on a canvas folding stool with my red plastic boots. He never quit and I'm still at it - and duckhunting led me to a first an appreciation of the natural world and its inhabitants, a host of skills, later a profession, a still-growing raft of fine friendships, and a rich storehouse of memories. I look forward to watching this young life unfold under your guidance.

All the best,

Frank, too cool. I have 4 myself, ages 4, 6, 8, 12. My twelve year old girl will be turning 23 next least thats the way it seems. My three other boys are a different story, especially with my youngest. He's my hunting buddy. Ive been told to cherish these times...I think our elders are on to something.
Frank... I have a son who is 6 months old. I cant wait to experience what you did! There is nothing better than sharing time afield with family! I tell my father all the time the best gift he ever gave me was a love of the outdoors, I plan on passing that along to my son as well. Congratulations and best wishes for many more days afield together.
That's just awesome for a lot of reasons. My son was like that too. The kid was crazy about hunting ducks from before he could talk, then discovered fishing, and over the years we've had some pretty cool adventures together. Frankie picked an excellent family to be born into from the sounds of it.

My daughter was maybe more like yours too - always dressed for a fairy themed flash mob just in case, dancing around, singing all the time. She's 14 now, and in a full time music, art, and drama school for one semester and loving it. Her and I were out looking for a bison yesterday on snowmobiles and had a great day together.

You've got a lot of good days ahead of you with those kids!

That is a really nice post. Family, a goose, little carhartts, hot chocolate and the most awesome moose gloves I have ever seen in a photo here.
Merry Christmas!

Those photos are awesome. Thanks for sharing them Frank. They sure did make me smile. I love the one with your forward observer, especially because his choice of mittens. Heck, if I could shoot with mittens on, I would have a pair of those in the blind for sure! The chocolatey face was a really close second though.
Everyday in the blind with friends is a blessing, but sharing them with your father and son make them truly exceptional.
God Bless