Lordy, Lordy... look who's 40....

Mike, B

Active member
Happy Birthday Jode!
I hear a big, burly knome left something in your lawn.... you need to share that with the folks. Perfect!
Happy Birthday Jode!
I hear a big, burly knome left something in your lawn.... you need to share that with the folks. Perfect!

Geezer. I have a month and a half to go.
Thanks Guys, Had a good day. Went for a hike, worked on some Turkey calls and took my son to Cub Scouts. Here what I found when I came home.

Thanks Sean and crew......you guys are something else!

happy birthday Jode. That is a neat pic.

Nice to hear another 40 year old april birthday, mine is at the end of the month. 1972 was such a good year.
Happy Birthday Jode!

Like they say 40 is the new 30... unfortunately "they" are usually other guys who are over 40. :)

I hope someone gives me a couple three dozen decoys from a world class carver for my 40th. In case anyone's interested its next march (hint hint)
Wow....thought I was a young one and I'm gonna crack 42 this year....ouch. Don't worry Jode...it DOES get worse haha. I am saving for a trip for my 50th. See you Saturday.