Motor Issues


Staff member
25 merc 2 stroke, starts first pull or two, idles great, get on the throttle and it bogs down and dies out. Cranks right back up. Replace fuel line and bulb. No water in gas.
Carl said:
25 merc 2 stroke, starts first pull or two, idles great, get on the throttle and it bogs down and dies out. Cranks right back up. Replace fuel line and bulb. No water in gas.

First do a compression check. No sense chasing a bad component if the engine block has issues. Many times an engine will start and idle seemingly fine on one cylinder. Check the plugs, check the coils.

Another thing may be a plugged high speed jet.
When my old 15 hp Yamaha did this, it was a bad pick up tube in the fuel tank. A new fuel tank fixed the problem.

What I found was that if I kept pumping the bulb, the motor would keep running at mid-throttle. Quit pumping, and it would stop pulling fuel and the motor would stall out.
If you have spark in both cylinders and compression I would move to fuel. You can mix gas oil 50/1 in a squirt bottle feed it fuel as you try to rev it up. Sound like you have a clogged high speed jet in the carb but I'm not that familiar with mercury.
Thanks guys, I was thinking clogged jet, will have to take a look this weekend. I will also pull the pickup & clean it.
Sounds like carb related issue but consider checking (or replacing) fuel pump (and replace fuel filter) too. If pumping the priming bulb under load causes engine to run properly I'd start with a good carb soak and cleaning and then move to fuel pump.
I would agree with Josh, either a clogged high speed jet or junk in the float bowl blocking gas flow.
I always try to do the cheapest/easiest things first. If possible borrow another fuel tank complete with hose and bulb. Also check Compression--both AutoZone and O'REilly's are loaning tools for free now (O'Reilly's never even stopped due to Covid). In past year I had a 4hp Evinrude with blown Cylinder Head (one cylinder only), it started , ran a bit then quit. Eventually would not restart. If squeezing the Bulb keeps it running then yes it is likely Fuel Pump--easy and relatively inexpensive to replace or use Rebuild Kit. Clogged Jet is also a possibility, a bit longer process to remove/teardown/clean/reassemble, squeezing the bulb is not likely to offset a clogged jet. Good news it is very likely to be one of these 4 root causes.
Fuel uptake in tank is clear, fuel line and bulb are new. No water in fuel. Appears to have spark on both cylinders. I going to catch up on some carb cleaning vidoes and take a shot at cleaning the jets
Havent had a chance to crank it up past high idle since the last time on the water, so not sure.
Bulb is firm, stayed firm since last time I ran it.
Had same problem on mercury 25. Coil would go open in the circuit , due to being warm on one side and cold on far side of engine. Happened on two coils, so traded on New engine.
Before removing carbs pump primer bulb will running at higher throttle. If motor stays running I'd be eyeballing the fuel pump.
I had a 25 mercery in the 80's - 2000 that needed the carb cleaned every year or so to run well.
It is a simple carb.
I would clean the carb first, you can't hurt anything by cleaning the carb.
If you have a foreign object "dirt" in that carb and your not running a filter it's a good investment. My friend bought a different motor to resolve a issue with a carb. My friend being a bit on the thrifty side put the same fuel hose on new motor and week later same issue on different motor. Fuel line was failing on the inside putting garbage in the carb tiny rubber bits. He dropped it off to my buddy who is a marine mechanic. Long story short 200 bucks for carb clean a fuel line and filter.
If its the fuel pump, is this the rebuild kit I need for a 2003 25hp 2 stroke:

Mercury Part Number 1395-9761-1
Carl said:
If its the fuel pump, is this the rebuild kit I need for a 2003 25hp 2 stroke:

Mercury Part Number 1395-9761-1

Need more info, Mercury does not reference model year when looking up parts. Under 25hp as an example, they show 12 versions, distinguished by letter and or serial number sequence. My suggestion would be go the the link below, "launch parts catalog" and scroll down until you match your motor. Then you should be able to view the proper diagram and part number for your motor.
Mercury Parts Catalog | Mercury Marine