I hope you have great success with your new outboard. I own two Suzukis a 20 h.p and 250 h.p. Both are 5 years old and have been performing flawlessly. I just do the recommended maintenance.I took the plunge and went with the Suzuki outboard. Have yet to get it on the water though. The flood here in Illinois is finally going down so hopefully this week it'll get its maiden voyage. September 1st isn't far off.
Ed,I took the plunge and went with the Suzuki outboard. Have yet to get it on the water though. The flood here in Illinois is finally going down so hopefully this week it'll get its maiden voyage. September 1st isn't far off.
One thing I keep reading on these suzu's.... QUIET! I like that idea a lot. Had one guy even telling me he can have a full blown conversation in his boat, going 55-60, down the lake because its so quiet. I cannot say my mercury is that quiet lol. Thanks for the update, enjoy the new motor sir.I was able to get the boat into the water today. I'm very happy with the Suzuki. Very quiet and with fuel injection it's quite responsive. I was surprised being it's a 4 stroke. It's lighter than my old 40hp Mercury and planes much quicker. Breaking it in so not staying constant on throttle as mentioned in the manual. Had to find out though so WOT got me to 24.5 mph per GPS. Just a few mph less than my Mercury. I don't need to go any faster.