Name this boat and you will Win one.

Last chance fella's tonight between 6pm and 8pm EST we will pull the plug and pick a top 10 list. Then we will post them on Facebook and the rules are simple. We will run it until Monday and the winner will be named.

The rules for the top 10 are simple. We will make a post on facebook and a reply here with each of the 10 names and the date it was first given and on which site it was posted. Then our facebook users will get to like one of the 10 names and the name with the most likes on Monday at 12pm noon EST time will be chosen the winner. So rally up the troops and prepare to see the new boat named and who the winner is Monday.

Good Luck its been a great time and have had alot of chuckles over the thousands of names we have been given to choose from.

We will post a finished boat up sometime Before monday as well outfitted with all options and features. Your not gonna want to miss seeing this. Way more features and options that one could image for the price of the boat.
A few last minute photos to help.
And here is the un named boats almost completed. Still a couple more secret features to come. But we have a marsh version and an open water version. We can build them how ever you need it for your hunting needs. Sneak boat guys this could be a real winner for sneaking on rafts of divers.. stay tuned more to come....





The more I look at it the more I think it is TDB Pud. Doesn't stand for anything really, just Pud. It's not a Pod, it can slip over mud and it will fit like a catchers mitt (a pud).
If that's too close to pod then how about TDB Bean. It sort of looks like a bean.

Okay thats it. Now we will post the top 10 on our facebook page. Look for them and like your favorite. Remember you can only like 1